hellofunk 7 years ago

It sounds like hypberbole, but the quotes are true. I was professionally writing Objective-C, C++ and eventually Swift for many years before using Clojure full-time for a year. My Objective-C, Swift and C++ don't look the same any more. It does change how you think about programming, in any language. And makes you better across the board.

  • willtim 7 years ago

    But was it Clojure or perhaps functional programming in general that "changed how you think about programming"?

    • setzer22 7 years ago

      I can't answer for GP, but to me personally, I had prior experience in both Haskell and Erlang before jumping into Clojure. And I can say that I share the feeling: Lisp changed the way I approach programming. Probably metaprogramming (the all-mighty macros & co.) and REPL-driven development are the two most important things I learned from Clojure (and Lisp in general).

      And I won't say that the paradigm shift to functional programming didn't broaden my view either, my point is that there is more to Lisp than being functional-ish.

      • willtim 7 years ago

        Haskell also supports metaprogramming and a REPL, these are not unique to Lisp. But granted, Lisp's syntax makes metaprogramming very convenient.

        • Chattered 7 years ago

          It's a pretty poor REPL. Every time you update your code, you have to reload, and you lose all your previous bindings. And, no, I don't simply want to rerun my interactive session. I want a persistent session.

          When doing theorem proving in Ocaml (which was both ML's and Lisp's MOs), my REPL session could last months. I sadly didn't have Lisp's great (save-lisp-and-die) in Ocaml, but I was able to snapshot the process state to get semiway there.

          Common Lisp is built around the idea that your runtime is a persistent live system that you stay in and modify and introspect. Your tool-chain should consist entirely of Lisp objects that are part of your runtime, and should themselves be modifiable. Everything is programmable. The Art of the Metaobject Protocol is still one of the coolest things I've ever read.

          I'm a Haskeller now, through and through, but Haskell's REPL and runtime isn't comparable to Lisp's.

        • ninesigns 7 years ago

          AFAIK Haskell doesn't support metaprogramming. Perhaps you mean "Template Haskell"?

          • willtim 7 years ago

            Template Haskell is meta-programming. It supports quasi-quotation, just like Lisp.

            • lispm 7 years ago

              quasi-quotation is an unrelated feature in Lisp. It's there to build list structures from templates. Using templates in macros is sometimes helpful, sometimes not.

              • willtim 7 years ago

                In Template Haskell quasi-quotation is how one would add new syntax, but it's not necessary either if all that is required is macro expansion.

Fej 7 years ago

Lisp is a beautiful language (or, to be more precise, set of languages). It is absolutely essential to a computer science education.

It also gets unwieldy when programs get complex.

  • lispm 7 years ago

    That depends. Several mildly large programs have been written in Lisp. There should be code bases for applications reaching or surpassing ten million lines of Lisp code. There also should be code bases with relatively complex code, which have been maintained for more than a decade. For example the Cyc system is under continuous development since the mid 80s.

    A dialect like Common Lisp was designed such that applications in the large are possible. As any large program it needs a bit thought how to make a scalable architecture and how to best use and extend the facilities provided by rhe development environment and the language.

    • vram22 7 years ago

      >A dialect like Common Lisp was designed such that applications in the large are possible.

      Interesting. Can you mention some of the Lisp language or other features that help with that?

      • lispm 7 years ago

        Note that in a large Lisp system you need certain features at compile time, but some will help at runtime (like the error handling system) to make large software debuggeable, more robust, or both.

        * namespaces for symbols, in earlier days Lisp had a flat namespace

        * compilation of files, means in a large system you can use 'ahead of time' compilation, where the compiler might give a lot of diagnostic messages. There is very little penalty to that, basically one can compile always and interactively.

        * type declarations/hints which can be used for optimization, type checks -> see SBCL and CMUCL, and documentation

        * lots of declaration forms which can be checked at compile time or runtime

        * macros which can be expanded at compile-time. This can create early warnings/errors.

        * function arglists, where the usage can be checked at compile-time (missing arguments, added arguments, ...)

        * keyword arguments, which makes code more readable

        * a very elaborate error handling system, which can not only catch errors, but which can be used to interactively or automatically repair some errors. Thus you don't get 'program crashed', but a handler gets called in the error context, which than can use provided explicit restarts. Errors types can be organized in an ontology with inheritance.

        * runtime assertions and type checks work with the error system

        * documentation features included: many declarations allow documentation strings

        * robust runtimes which by default prevent corrupting the running Lisp as much as possible. Some earlier Lisps created unsafe compiled code. By default I would expect a Common Lisp system to detect all kinds of wrong access to data structures at runtime.

        * optimizations, which can be restricted to certain code blocks


        * an object system which can be used to provide extensible software, typically used to structure larger software. Also provides multi-methods which prevent being called with arguments of wrong types at runtime. Multiple inheritance. This allows a lot explicit structure in larger applications, which also can explored by reflection and which can be tailored for specific needs.

        * features like macros and reader macros can increase the code density in larger software -> fewer lines of code and domain level code. By default Common Lisp favors larger identifies, but in larger codebases macros can significantly reduce code size and make external tools like preprocessors obsolete.

        A different development methodology:

        In static languages you tend to statically compile a program, build it, start it, test it. May be in some debug mode or with some kind of extension language interface.

        In Common Lisp one may develop with a build while it is running and then make sure that these builds can be reproduced by compiling/loading the whole thing. This can reduce the typical development cycle time drastically. But different development models are possible: fully batch, pre-compiled + interactive, fully interactive.

        • vram22 7 years ago

          That's a lot of points. A few of them are there in other languages (e.g. compilation, keyword arguments, etc.) but I can see that there are many points which I am not aware of in some other languages. Thanks for the detailed reply.

          • lispm 7 years ago

            Many things (like compilation) are not that special, but having it in a dynamic (-> at runtime changeable) language with a lot of flexibility is slightly different.

            • vram22 7 years ago

              Interesting. I think I've read about something like this in an article by Paul Graham - I think he said that Lisp is a language which can read and compile code at run time, and the other two combinations too (e.g. read and run at compile time, and so on). If this is what you meant, can you give a practical example of the use of compiling code at run time?

              • lispm 7 years ago

                If one develops a Lisp application, it is common to develop the application while it is running. This is enabled by a compiler available at runtime.

                • vram22 7 years ago

                  Got it, thanks. I was thinking it might be useful for certain kinds of cases only (maybe only certain advanced types of functions or use cases), but now I see that it is generally applicable, in the example you gave.

  • sds2 7 years ago

    No, it shouldn't be. Lisp is not practical(try to prove it otherwise, there's no evidence) and it's only a thing now because some ppl likes its esoteric syntax. It's way too overhyped.

    • Risord 7 years ago

      Real apps has been built with lisp so therefore it's at least some what practical. On the other hand I just cannot see anything fundamental which makes lisp lot less practical from many commonly used business languages. Well ecosystem size may not same but on day one most languages haven't Hugo ecosystem.

      There are lot of schools and if you are "be a cool web app developer"-school where you learning direct skills reauired most common web dev jobs today... Yeah lisp is not essential. But if you are "computer SCIENCE"-school and you targeting variety of fundamental cocepts of field I say that lisp is quite essential.

      • sds2 7 years ago

        > But if you are "computer SCIENCE"-school and you targeting variety of fundamental cocepts of field I say that lisp is quite essential.

        I'm sure you've nothing to do with compsci because lisp is a useless language family. If anything is recommended than it's rust, c and idris.

        • shakna 7 years ago

          > I'm sure you've nothing to do with compsci because lisp is a useless language family. If anything is recommended than it's rust, c and idris.

          Scheme is particularly suited to parsing, interpreting and compiling.[0][1] There's a reason GCC's internals often look like Lisp.

          If you exclude language design from computer science, then maybe Lisp becomes a "useless language family", but there's a reason MIT Scheme was created.

          [0] https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/

          [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp_in_Small_Pieces

          • sds2 7 years ago

            You can do that more efficiently with any ML language.

            > There's a reason GCC's internals often look like Lisp.

            Dude, that notation is not original to lisp...

            • shakna 7 years ago

              > You can do that more efficiently with any ML language.

              So first you say Lisp is useless in compsci because of the existence of "rust, c and idris", and now its pointless to use it because of ML?

              > Dude, that notation is not original to lisp...

              Firstly: Have you actually looked at an MD file? [0] RTL is a Lisp dialect.

              Secondly: The first paper on S-Expressions appeared in November, 1997. McCarthy's first paper on what would become Lisp in 1982. I'm aware of no language, and can find reference to no language, that used that notation before Lisp did, so yes it is original to Lisp.

              [0] https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=blob_plain;f=gcc/config...

              • sds2 7 years ago

                > So first you say Lisp is useless in compsci because of the existence of "rust, c and idris", and now its pointless to use it because of ML?

                Idris and Rust are ML descendants and C helps you to learn the basics of low-level programming. Lisp on the other hand won't teach you anything. How hard is this to understand?

                > Secondly: The first paper on S-Expressions appeared in November, 1997.

                That was just a draft of an RFC which never got approved. S-Expressions are MUCH older - it's "Polish Notation" invented by Jan Łukasiewicz in 1924

                > McCarthy's first paper on what would become Lisp in 1982.

                Lisp was specified in 1958.

                > I'm aware of no language, and can find reference to no language, that used that notation before Lisp did, so yes it is original to Lisp.

                1. It's not about who used that notation but who invented it - not McCarthy; 2. that notation is practically useless for programming languages but they're good for ASTs.

                • shakna 7 years ago

                  > Lisp on the other hand won't teach you anything. How hard is this to understand?

                  Difficult when the definitive compsci course, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs starts, and ends, with Lisp.

                  > S-Expressions are MUCH older - it's "Polish Notation" invented by Jan Łukasiewicz in 1924

                  No. Polish notation, as described by Łukasiewicz, is:

                  > I came upon the idea of a parenthesis-free notation in 1924

                  Polish notation has a strict set of precedence rules, and no parentheses. At all.

                  S-Expressions contain Polish notation, but is a superset that allows you to specify arguments in a less painful precedence than Polish notation, and with variadic arguments, which is not possible in Polish notation.

                  > that notation is practically useless for programming languages but they're good for ASTs.

                  Several decades of computer science disagree with you.

                  • sds2 7 years ago

                    > Difficult when the definitive compsci course, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs starts, and ends, with Lisp.

                    Poor choice.

                    > Several decades of computer science disagree with you.

                    compsci hates lisp along with the industry, what are you talking about?

    • progman 7 years ago

      You find many practical examples at planet.lisp.org.

olewhalehunter 7 years ago

What are some examples of open source Lisp projects and codebases whose features and elegance could have only been executed as well as they are in the language, or are just great codebases in general to study?

  • rekado 7 years ago

    GNU Guix. It uses code staging a lot, which works best in a language in which you can trivially pass around code as data.

    It also demonstrates that Scheme is flexible enough to easily implement features that the language designers did not, such as monads and laziness. While both can be done in almost any language, I think that Scheme's macros allow for exceptionally seamless implementations.

    • Bromskloss 7 years ago

      > code staging

      I'm trying to look up what this means. Do you have a link?

      • rekado 7 years ago

        In Guix not only package definitions are written in Scheme, but also build phases. These build phases are evaluated at a different time in the context of the build daemon. This means that there are two major strata, both of which are written in Scheme. Expressions that are evaluated in the build context look no different than other expressions.

        That's not the only instance of "staged" execution. Guix introduces G-expressions, a quoted expression in a build context where unquoted package values are replaced with absolute directory names that are not known until execution time.

        Quoting and unquoting code and dealing with different strata of evaluation come natural in Scheme.

        Another simpler example of staged execution might be the remote code execution feature of Guile-SSH.

        You may also like to read about multitier programming in Hop: http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2330089

      • kazinator 7 years ago

        "Code staging" is a phrase that is used around people who are allergic to the word "macro", because they associate it with #define, or "Excel macro".

  • daly 7 years ago

    Axiom, Maxima (DOE), and Macsyma (Symbolics) are large systems.

    Axiom is a FOSS computer algebra system implemented in about 1.2 million lines of Common Lisp.

    Axiom relies heavily on the ability to dynamically define and re-define functions. It relies heavily on the macro facility. It presents a domain specific language (called SPAD) which implements mathematically friendly syntax and semantics. (https://github.com/daly/axiom)

  • matthewbauer 7 years ago

    I think Emacs is the best example.

gkya 7 years ago

> “Lisp doesn't look any deader than usual to me.” > — David Thornley, reply to a question older than most programming languages

Oh I like this one (emphasis mine) :)

FullyFunctional 7 years ago

Fanatics deliberately abandon objective judgement.

Many of the quotes makes me question the authors experience. Everything is relative. Compared to Fortran, Lisp is all that and more. Compared to modern languages (say, Haskell), not so much.

  • lispm 7 years ago

    Haskell appeared in 1990.

    Around 1987 I was as a student sitting in front of a real Lisp Machine, a Symbolics 3600, running in an AI research lab for natural language interaction. The machine with a stack-based CPU ran an object-oriented operating system written in a million lines of Lisp, with full source code and runtime changes.

    There is nothing which will blow your mind like that.

    • progman 7 years ago

      Those amazing Lisp machines were far ahead of their time. Unfortunately the hardware was very expensive, and it lacked power. Today we have the right cheap hardware. Actually, there is a Lisp revival going on in the OSS community. Consider McClim [1] for instance which attempts to port the amazing GUI of the Lisp Machines to PCs. It already works.

      [1] https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/

      • lispm 7 years ago

        At that time the machine didn't lack power. There was nothing similar. Large disks, large virtual memory, a 68k processor for driving the frontend IO, large bitmap screen, 10+ bus slots, tape drive, ethernet, ... all for a single user. It's hard to imagine, but 10MB RAM were amazingly expensive in the early 80s. Similar for harddisks with 100MB... On a timeshared VAX 10-100 people had to share this amount of RAM...

      • erikj 7 years ago

        McClim existed for decades and it's still struggling to become production-ready, a poor example of the "revival".

  • progman 7 years ago

    > Many of the quotes makes me question the authors experience

    Do you have enough experience that you dare to judge him?

    > Compared to modern languages (say, Haskell), not so much.

    I disagree. I was in a lot of languages, in all different programming styles. Lisp still is the language with a maximum of freedom of programming, probably also regarding productivity. Only Nim comes close.

    Haskell may look elegant at the surface, regarding productivity however I don't recommend it except for DSL and compiler construction. If you are not a world class expert in Haskell then in most cases Haskell takes a lot more time for development than other languages (say Lisp, Python, C++, even Rust).

    • dmytrish 7 years ago

      > in most cases Haskell takes a lot more time for development than other languages

      - and takes negligible maintenance/refactoring time compared to Lisp/Python/C++. Maintenance timesink might easily outweigh the gain in development time.

      That's the promise of strong type systems: preventing bugs from happening before you have to debug them in production and it does not come absolutely free.

      • lispm 7 years ago

        In Lisp you can change the programs while they are running, in ways not possible in Haskell. The time Haskell needs to recompile the code to machine code, I have fixed the Lisp bug already.

        • bhnmmhmd 7 years ago

          Could you elaborate on how we can change Lisp programs while they're running? Sounds interesting.

          I actually had heard something similar about how JPL used Lisp and they could just debug the satellite remotely from the earth.

          • lispm 7 years ago

            Take for example an Emacs editor written in Lisp, like for example GNU Emacs. The language used (here Emacs Lisp) is capable enough for a wide range of programming tasks. If you want to change the behavior of the editor, you can just load Lisp code into it. That could add new functionality or replace old. If you need an extension module, you can just load it. No need to restart the editor. Hard then is unloading. The editor includes a Lisp interpreter and a Lisp compiler to byte code of a virtual machine. It can also load new source and compiled code at runtime. Function calls often go through a symbol table and you can register new functions, delete them or replace them. There are lists of functions often used to be triggered at some point. You can add/remove functions to these lists.

            In something like Common Lisp you can do changes to the object-system at runtime, both to the program and the programming language. For example you can load a patch, which changes the class hierarchy, adds slots, ... Also existing objects can be changed - they can change their class or the list of slots, etc.

        • dmytrish 7 years ago

          ...and introduced two new bugs.

          • junke 7 years ago

            Are you fighting the Hydra?

          • lispm 7 years ago

            and tested and fixed them, too.

      • progman 7 years ago

        > Maintenance timesink might easily outweigh the gain in development time.

        That is correct. However, in Haskell you need a lot of discipline to guide a big project in the right direction. Maintenance can quickly became a nightmare due to very dense code.

        If maintenance is the main issue I would choose Ada than Haskell. I have no problem to understand my own Ada code written 10 years ago, even without documentation. In Haskell however I had problems to understand my own code which was just some weeks old :-)

        • tome 7 years ago

          > That is correct. However, in Haskell you need a lot of discipline to guide a big project in the right direction. Maintenance can quickly became a nightmare due to very dense code.

          Have you worked with Haskell professionally? Your observations do not match my experience of approx. 3 years of professional Haskell development across 3 different companies. Guiding the growth of Haskell codebases is trivial compared to Python, which is the other language I have professional experience of.

          • progman 7 years ago

            > Have you worked with Haskell professionally?

            Not yet. I was seriously interested in Haskell. The cabal hell however put me back. Stack is interesting but installation from source is still troublesome.

            I always want to be able to install my developer tools from scratch (by source only) since I want to make sure that I can port my software to new systems. Haskell's and Rust's way of installation (curl | sh) is convenient but inacceptable for porting. Nim's bootstrap from source (no dependencies except a C compiler) is the right way how it should be.

            • dom96 7 years ago

              That's cool to hear. Except that we now offer an install method similar to Rust via a tool called choosenim.

edem 7 years ago

I did Peter Siebel's tutorial which is suggested at the bottom some years ago and it gave me that "profound enlightenment experience". Great stuff.

wodenokoto 7 years ago

Any good introductions to datascience/NLP/ML or AI using LISP?

  • kgwgk 7 years ago

    Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp


    • bhnmmhmd 7 years ago

      This book is very very very old. It basically belongs to an era when AI was mostly concerned with symbolic computation. AI nowadays has taken a whole different path with neural networks.

      • lispm 7 years ago

        There is very little actual AI in neural networks. Most of the applications I have seen are in signal processing, pattern recognition, ... For example there is very little reasoning capability in neural network applications going on. Show a child two dogs and it will recognize most dogs from now on and you can ask it why it thinks something is a dog. Try that with neural networks after showing it a zillion dogs...

        Doing anything more AIish will need an old-fashioned symbolic system and that stuff is still hard. Take for example IBM's Watson. It's a big system with all kinds of different modules. The language frontend is written in old-fashioned Prolog.

        • ghosthamlet 7 years ago

          I agree with you partially. But we still don't know how exactly does human brain work and learn. Maybe Computer AI as silicon based life will go on a path different from human.

      • kazinator 7 years ago

        That path cannot replace the other path.

        It's like "don't bother with differential equations; math is more into elliptic curves now".

        The symbolic computation and its representations of knowledge and pattern matching and so on do things that number-crunching networks over big data simply don't.

        Like for instance, get certain jobs done with little data: a compact encoding of specific knowledge.

      • mtreis86 7 years ago

        Still a great way to learn about AI (with lisp code samples). The follow-up book has no lisp in the book itself, but all examples from the book do have lisp code examples online http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/

      • kgwgk 7 years ago

        I'm curious: does "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Russell and Norvig also belong to a long-gone era?

        • bhnmmhmd 7 years ago

          That book is in Python. The argument here was about using Lisp for AI.

          • kgwgk 7 years ago

            So you mean that had it been "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Python" it would not be a very old book, belonging to an era when AI was mostly concerned with symbolic computation? Ok.

    • abecedarius 7 years ago

      That's a great book I highly recommend, but not for those subjects anymore. Think of it as about the craft of programming.

dmytrish 7 years ago

The home page looks like a tombstone of Common Lisp with a bunch of epitaphs on it.

On the other hand, the spirit of Lisp has successfully taken over the world. The modern Lisp is called JavaScript.

I am perfectly aware of all the differences between Lisp and JavaScript and of the other languages that have influenced JavaScript (Self, Perl, Lua), but think of this: what made Lisp so great in the past?

    - automatic memory management (compared to Fortran/C);
    - very dynamic language and environment,
      hooks on everything, live systems;
      `eval`, available meta-interpreter;
    - exceptions and condition system instead of segfaults;
    - multi-paradigm, flexible programming language: 
      functional, OO and imperative programming when needed;
    - research roots and great minds behind the language;
What JavaScript has fixed compared to Lisps?

JavaScript has fixed S-expressions; "I can program in S-expressions" does not mean "I should". Macros are harmful to programming in the large.

JavaScript applied existing lessons about data structures and object systems to the language: "I can roll out my own object system" does not mean "I should" and creates a Babel tower of incompatible object systems instead of a common language. JavaScript got rid of linked lists (that are awkward and impractical for everyday use) and introduced hash-tables into the language.

The modern JS ecosystem seems to be exactly what a Common Lisp ecosystem would have been if it had existed in the first place: the same diversity, the same problems, the same churn rate (because the language is powerful and writing new stuff is easy).

JavaScript has also successfully escaped perception of "a language for brains". Research background is actually harmful for a modern programming language. Examples are abound: Haskell is widely derided by the industry, slightly researchy Scala is "borderline unmanageable" for many and teams move back to Java; C++ with its experiments is tolerated for its interoperability with C, but gets a lot of (deserved) hate for its (often unnecessary) complication (hopefully, Rust has a good cover for the industry as "enhanced C++"); simplistic Go takes the world over by storm; the web is mostly written in PHP, whose inventors are as far from PL research as one can get.

  • klibertp 7 years ago

    > JavaScript has fixed S-expressions

    Replacing them with a semicolon and curly brace riddled abomination; see CoffeScript and various syntax extensions that come with latest JS standards.

    Also note how many years it took for JS to get even very basic features, like `() => {}` lambda notationor multiline strings. In a language with a macro system you can implement both easily.

    > Macros are harmful to programming in the large.

    This is not true. Macros are mainly used to implement DSLs, and well designed DSL can shorten the code by an order of magnitude. Of course, when to create one is hard to say, but not harder than when to write a metaclass in Python. Would you advocate removing metaclasses from Python?

    When not for DSLs, macros are used as compile-time functions. You can easily write such macros in any language, provided you split your program in two parts: preprocessor (which parses and transform the code) and the code proper. That's a lot of work, which disappears with the introduction of a macro system. I don't think this has any impact on "programming in the large".

    Many "modern" and "systems" programming language feature macro systems. Haxe, Nim, Rust, Julia spring to mind immediately, followed by OCaml, Haskell, Elixir, Erlang and quite a few more.

    In other words: if you want to say that "macros are harmful" in some way you're going to need to provide some kind of argument and evidence.

    > creates a Babel tower of incompatible object systems instead of a common language.

    Three of the most popular Lisps - Racket, Clojure and Common Lisp - have an object system in the language. EDIT: Emacs Lisp might also qualify, but I don't remember if EIEIO is included by default in Emacs.

    > JavaScript got rid of linked lists (that are awkward and impractical for everyday use)

    Many languages outside of Lisps seem to disagree: Elixir and Erlang, Haskell, OCaml and Prolog, for instance. And btw: I disagree with this too.

    Linked lists are a very convenient and surprisingly universal data structure, but they really shine wherever you have a recursive algorithm. Which is, in the languages mentioned, almost all the time.

    > and introduced hash-tables into the language.

    Clojure, Common Lisp, Racket, Emacs Lisp and probably others provide a rich set of data structures, including vectors, bitsets, hashes, queues, sequences and more.

    • srssays 7 years ago

      > Linked lists are a very convenient and surprisingly universal data structure, but they really shine wherever you have a recursive algorithm. Which is, in the languages mentioned, almost all the time.

      Linked lists were way ahead of their time. Nowadays everything is so fast that we can probably use them without guilt, but there is still a sense of disgust associated them.

      • klibertp 7 years ago

        Linked lists are indeed wasteful in terms of memory usage, compared to simple arrays. There are ways of optimizing this, but you won't get away from having an additional pointer to the next element.

        However, linked lists offer many advantages that arrays do not. The length of a list need not be known at compile time, for one. It's trivial and very fast to insert a new element in the middle of the list. They are not optimized for random access, but they pose no performance penalty (over arrays) if you need to traverse them from start to end.

        But the most important advantage of linked lists is that they are their own iterators (in C++ parlance). You don't need an additional state for iterating over a list - you don't need to store and update the index, for example. Each element of a list is the beginning of the rest of the list, so if you hold a reference to one, you can stop and restart iteration without problems. Moreover, you can add elements to the list and still be able to use the previously captured element as a start of new iteration: no need to invalidate the iterator.

        In other words, Linked List has some very desirable properties and it makes sense to use it for almost anything other than a fixed-length, random-access collection. All Lisps provide vectors and hashes for the latter use-case.

        I think the problem with Linked Lists is that they are not hard to implement and taught on the entry-level courses, with C as an implementation language. This makes it very hard to see their usefulness. With a bit of tooling (library functions) and language support, they really shine.

        • lispm 7 years ago

          > but you won't get away from having an additional pointer to the next element

          It was done on some Lisp Machines with CDR-coding. newly allocated lists did not have any CDR pointers. Optimizing lists that way could also be done by the garbage collector, when it needed to copy lists or in optimization runs before saving an image.

          Most other implementations did not implement it.


  • pjmlp 7 years ago

    > automatic memory management (compared to Fortran/C);

    C wasn't even a thing when Lisp systems happened and they were running on computers that were quite humble when compared with PDP-11.

    When will JavaScript AOT compile to native code, or provide primitives for systems programming like Lisp?

  • gkya 7 years ago

    This is one uninformed, ignorant and incorrect comment. I was going to pick on individual things, but they are so many I can't be bothered. I'll instead concentrate my critique in one phrase: the opposite of each statement in this comment is true.

  • bhnmmhmd 7 years ago

    There was a discussion here about how Ruby is an acceptable Lisp:


    Ruby blocks cover a lot of what Lisp macros do. I don't know much Python and JS, but I'm guessing those don't have something similar to blocks/macros.

    • gkya 7 years ago

      Python's syntax is incredibly rigid. I'll only write in Python if I don't have no choice, or I'm paid decent money. I do like the ecosystem of the language tho, it has everything you'd like to write small utility scripts without reinventing the wheel. But Perl has them too, and I like the programmer-first nature of the language, so I use it for my scripting these days. I miss the pleasant debugging and incremental programme building of Elisp and CL in it, but I guess it's not impossible to have sth. similar in Perl, some sort of inferior-perl mode.

    • lispm 7 years ago

      > Ruby blocks cover a lot of what Lisp macros do

      That's a misconception. Ruby blocks are mostly unrelated to macro usage.

  • lispm 7 years ago

    It's just that Javasript will need to catch up with core language tools for another decade. Just compare your typical Javascript compiler and the language it provides with something like SBCL.

    Generally I agree that Javascript is similar, in many ways. But worse. Worse can be better, but we know that already. ;-)

    • randallsquared 7 years ago

      It's only language tools at this point? What faint damning! :)

      • lispm 7 years ago

        'only' is your word, not mine.

        • randallsquared 7 years ago

          Sure, your word was "just". I'm not sure what nuance I missed in "It's just that Javascript will need to catch up with core language tools for another decade" such that "It's only that..." would not work.

          (Anyway, I would agree with what I think is your actual position that it's more than just language tools; not arguing...).

  • catnaroek 7 years ago

    > functional, OO and imperative programming when needed

    Please tell me how to get a reasonable implementation of list or tree values in JavaScript, without resorting to Gödel encodings or gentlemen agreements not to query object identities.

    Now recall that functions are mappings from values to values. How are we supposed to express computation as function evaluation without a rich set of values to work with?

    That's how well JavaScript (or Lisp, for that matter) supports functional programming. (I can't comment on object orientation support because I don't know of a logically consistent theory of objects.)

    > JavaScript has fixed S-expressions

    Weird. Lisps are traditionally semantically a mess (Scheme less so than Common Lisp, though), but the syntax, allowing for relatively easy metaprogramming, is their main saving grace.

    > Macros are harmful to programming in the large.

    Just because you don't understand macros, it doesn't mean other people can't put them to good use.

    > JavaScript got rid of linked lists (that are awkward and impractical for everyday use) and introduced hash-tables into the language.

    Practical Lisps provide several useful data structures out of the box. In any case, this is a matter of standard library design, not language design.

  • sds2 7 years ago

    > JavaScript has also successfully escaped perception of "a language for brains". Research background is actually harmful for a modern programming language.

    Those who consider javascript a good language usually lack the experience to compare languages effectively. Javascript is mostly appealing to front-end developers because they usually don't know anything else. Also, there are a LOT of front-enders so, you can explain the "popularity" with that. JS has many warts but js-zealots will just ignore it due to the hype.

    > simplistic Go takes the world over by storm;

    Proof on that? Because so far, the only ones using it are the ones who just don't know how to use other languages. The y prefer garbage code over learning generics...

    > the web is mostly written in PHP, whose inventors are as far from PL research as one can get.

    Proof on that "mostly" again? Also, most of those sites are unstable and known to be really hard to maintain. PHP was just an easy entry for unskilled labour which is a bad thing since they'll create worse products which will cost more in the long run. But beginners don't care about the long run - they just want the money from ads.

    > I am perfectly aware of all the differences between Lisp and JavaScript and of the other languages that have influenced JavaScript (Self, Perl, Lua), but think of this: what made Lisp so great in the past?

    Your points are too subjective:

    > automatic memory management (compared to Fortran/C)

    Did lisps took part in researching modern GCs? I don't think so. I thought it only had a simplisitc ARC only...

    > very dynamic language and environment,

    And it's a very useless feature - or prove it otherwise. Strongly and statically typed languages can `eval` too.

    > multi-paradigm, flexible programming language: functional, OO and imperative programming when needed;

    1. First lisps wasn't OO and modern lisps are either NOT OO or support it poorly; 2. imperative programming is not that comfortable in lisp; 3. lisp is not a good FP language: just compare it to ML.

    > research roots and great minds behind the language;

    Or more like failed experiments and like-minded enterpreneurs.

    • justinhj 7 years ago

      > Those who consider javascript a good language usually lack the experience to compare languages effectively

      Javascript IS a powerful language with features that were not in other mainstream language for decades and some still don't have: first class functions, dynamic typing, lambda functions, closures etc. You only have to look at the diverse uses of Javascript to appreciate how far that power goes.

      As for the warts of JS any experienced Javascript programmer has learned to work around those and it takes a small effort to learn how to do so.

      > Proof on that "mostly" again?

      You really need proof that the majority of the web is written in PHP?

      As for an entry point for unskilled labour, my first PHP code was written after I'd been a C++ programmer for 20 years. I found it similar to Javascript; some warts to be aware of but otherwise a powerful language it's possible to be very productive in in a short amount of time. I refer you to the look at the many Facebook tech blog posts on the topic.

      Whilst PHP has some limitations around it's runtime model, if you can stick within it the modern PHP is a very good tool for backend development.

      > modern lisps are either NOT OO or support it poorly

      Have you read up on CLOS? It goes way beyond the features of, say, C++ object model. By limiting yourself to a subset you can have the basic OOP features; inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation. It provides more and arguably non-oop features such as multiple dispatch, methods that can run before, after and around your own methods (aspect oriented in modern parlance).

      There is an excellent book by Sonya Keene on CLOS and OOP in Common Lisp.

      • goatlover 7 years ago

        > Javascript IS a powerful language with features that were not in other mainstream language for decades and some still don't have: first class functions, dynamic typing, lambda functions, closures etc.

        Perl, Ruby, Python say hi.

      • b278 7 years ago

        Doesn't it strike you as odd that Javascript was universally ridiculed some 15 years ago and all of a sudden it is "a powerful language"?

        Follow the money ...

      • sds2 7 years ago

        > Javascript IS a powerful language with features that were not in other mainstream language for decades and some still don't have: first class functions, dynamic typing, lambda functions, closures etc. You only have to look at the diverse uses of Javascript to appreciate how far that power goes.

        This is ridiculous and it just shows how you don't have any experience with ML languages.

        > As for the warts of JS any experienced Javascript programmer has learned to work around those and it takes a small effort to learn how to do so.

        Again, ridiculous excuses.

        > You really need proof that the majority of the web is written in PHP?


        > As for an entry point for unskilled labour, my first PHP code was written after I'd been a C++ programmer for 20 years. I found it similar to Javascript; some warts to be aware of but otherwise a powerful language it's possible to be very productive in in a short amount of time. I refer you to the look at the many Facebook tech blog posts on the topic.

        It's not powerful, you just don't have experience with effective languages.

        > Have you read up on CLOS? It goes way beyond the features of, say, C++ object model. By limiting yourself to a subset you can have the basic OOP features; inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation. It provides more and arguably non-oop features such as multiple dispatch, methods that can run before, after and around your own methods (aspect oriented in modern parlance).

        That was added after and still looks bad overall.

        • justinhj 7 years ago

          Your only criticism of anything is "you don't have any experience in that" which is quite hilarious. Thanks for the trolling.

          • sds2 7 years ago

            Your sentences are the same : "it's so powerful" - it's ridiculous that there are ppl who call themselves programmers and still like js.

    • lispm 7 years ago

      > I thought it only had a simplisitc ARC only...

      You are trolling.

      • sds2 7 years ago

        Don't like my negative experience with lisp? I could guess it from your username.

        • lispm 7 years ago

          Since you talk about ARC in the context of Lisp GC I doubt that you have any experience with Lisp.

          • sds2 7 years ago

            No I don't have any experience in its memory management and I don't need it.

frou_dh 7 years ago

On reddit they call that kind of thing a circlejerk.

agumonkey 7 years ago

Tell me it's a PHP backend