parkej3 6 years ago

Thanks! Definitely some useful info here.

I just want to bring up some observations from the point of view that the information you provide is the purpose of this project.

Since this is static information, Javascript shouldn't be necessary to accomplish the main purpose of the project. With Javascript disabled, this website provides nothing but a <noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>.

With that in mind, Javascript can be used to enhance the information, such as the search box and sidebar you've included. That is supplementary to the main purpose of providing useful information.

Lastly, with that more limited use of Javascript (to enhance, via a searchbox), the next decision point is whether a framework such as React is even needed?

Main point: Always have a clear purpose, and make technical decisions based on it.

  • null_exceptions 6 years ago

    Thanks for the feed-back

    Indeed, using react for only a git cheat sheet, is kind of overkill. The main purpose of this project is to create a visual and interactive git tutorials, and a cheat sheet.

    The work is still in progress :)

    Creating the cheat sheet part was a deliverable increment, that's why I have created this website.

0x4a42 6 years ago

You should remove the "cursor: pointer" CSS property from the "li" elements. It make them look like they are clickable while they aren't.

  • null_exceptions 6 years ago


    Good remark, I have basically delivered an unfinished feature, which is about copying to clipboard the command.

    This explain the "cursor: pointer" on the li :/

    That feature is currently in progress