Ask HN/Lazyweb: Favorite rust projects/canonical examples to learn from

16 points by a-dub 6 years ago

I'm starting to become more interested in rust and I believe that the best way to learn a thing is to study good applications of it. As I don't know much at all about the rust ecosystem, I am not qualified to determine what is good, and I'm lazy. So... what's good? What are some good examples of sufficiently complicated rust applications that either a) do a very good job of subscribing to rust dogma or b) do a very good job of hacking around the darker corners to achieve a goal where a canonical example would have been unsuitable?

topspin 6 years ago

It's not really hard to find. Stylo is a production grade component of Firefox. Below is a link to a Rust implementation of a Bloom filter used to optimize CSS selector resolution. It's well written, reasonably self contained code that is highly focused on efficiency and is in use by millions. There are a bunch of other interesting components in that directory as well.

mastax 6 years ago

This question is asked on /r/rust a lot, so you may get good answers by aggregating those responses.