mcguire 6 years ago

One would have thought that they could have worked in a reference to "Supernatural Horror in Literature", since most of the texts they they list are highlighted there.

And oddly, I was just watching a lecture by Andrew George at Harvard's Semitic Museum on The Epic of Gilgamesh. It, too, is pretty melancholy.

  • defen 6 years ago

    I was more surprised that they included Tim Burton but not Robert Burton, considering he wrote The Anatomy of Melancholy

    • stochastic_monk 6 years ago

      I’m not very impressed at all, to be fair. The only place I was even felt positive they pointed out was Nine Inch Nails’ synth pop artistic lineage, which I think is essential for fully understanding what he has to say. It’s like a high school essay fluff piece.

      As an aside, I have come to expect little from a site so fixated on exploiting trypophobia for their ad scheme.

Tharkun 6 years ago

While reading the title, I was briefly hoping this would be about the webcomic A Softer World. They bundled their best comics in a book titled The Anatomy of Melancholy.