yodon 6 years ago

It looks like this is the third time in two days @ayw has posted this link, each time with a different #hash at the end (to fool HN's anti-duplicate-posting code?).

Genuine question here, is that kind of duplicate posting behavior allowed, or is it just that Scale (which powers this dataset and which from past posting behavior @ayw seems to be connected with) is a YC company?

  • yorwba 6 years ago

    From https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html

    Are reposts ok?

    If a story has had significant attention in the last year or so, we kill reposts as duplicates. If not, a small number of reposts is ok.

    Please don't delete and repost the same story; accounts that do that eventually lose submission privileges. Deletion is intended for things that shouldn't have been submitted in the first place.

  • holnight 6 years ago

    The dataset is actually released by nuTonomy. Scale annotated the data.

Isamu 6 years ago

Another is the Berkeley Deep Drive dataset.


Can anyone remark on the notable differences?

  • holnight 6 years ago

    Berkeley is only images, no LIDAR/RADAR or 3D annotations.

rambojazz 6 years ago

"open-source" as in "CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0" + "Some datasets and indicators are provided by third parties and may not be redistributed or reused".