lol768 5 years ago

It's unfortunate that the app was licensed out to a commercial vendor ("Peak Brain Training") when the study received funding by the National Institute for Health Research (via the Department of Health and Social Care) which is taxpayer funded.

Why wasn't the code open sourced and made available under a free license?

  • vnchr 5 years ago

    I'm disappointed by this too. The FTC fined Peak Brain Training competitor Lumosity $2 million because it "deceived customers about the cognitive and health benefits of its apps and online products."[1] I was more hopeful about the app if it was standalone.

    As for the code being open sourced, the results of the research should be publicly available but the material of the research is an asset of the university (like how the computers and beakers used in other experiments wouldn't be given away to the public). Commercialization of research ("tech transfer") involves additional costs and risks that are taken on by research institutions, researchers, and private entities. This PR announcement was likely not coincidentally following the release of the app to the public. There was likely additional costs outside of the original scope of research to make the app robust for public usage outside of the experiment setting.

    Personally, I'm disappointed that something that sounds promising may not have a chance to stand on its own as an example of a viable application when other "brain training" apps have shown their more akin to placebos rather.

    • hopler 5 years ago

      There's no reason to believe that this new app is any less snake oil than Lumosity

      Its story has the same trajectory

      • jchook 5 years ago

        I agree. Summary of findings:

        “Test subjects who spent hours practicing [insert proprietary game here] scored better when tested on different games that require similar skills.”

        Smells like a poorly designed experiment salted with commercial interests.

    • TimesOldRoman 5 years ago

      Very cool analogy about the beakers and equipment. Something I never considered.

  • ArtWomb 5 years ago

    >>> The game involves asking players to watch a series of digits from two to nine flashing up one by one, at a rate of 100 digits per minute. Over the course of five minutes, players must press a button when they start to see a sequence emerge.

    C'mon, this could be cloned in a weekend ;)

    Publish neuroscience findings in a public access journal by all means. Even including pseudocode of the sequence generation algorithm.

    But I am all for distributing their particular implementation via private sector partnerships. That could yield further funding and experimentation. And possibly alleviate taxpayer research dependency for their lab in future.

    The work itself taps into some novel neuroscience. Do we we possess a Bayesian brain that estimates probabilities in real time? Altering a belief net based on new evidence. Or are patterns hard wired and must be learned. I think this sort of training game based on integer series could work just as well with text, images, music, video, animation, etc.

  • uncoder0 5 years ago

    Could be due to userbase size but, I liked the assessment and decided to purchase one month of pro to see what else was involved. Once I bought pro I did another problem solving focused workout. My percentile on the assessment for this category was 53% before pro now that I'm pro and did one 'workout' It says I'm at 89%... I find that hard to believe.

    Edit: Upon further inspection it looks like the percentiles I was reading were for the specific game. It makes sense that for the pay-walled games there aren't as many people playing so it's not a representative sample.

  • azhenley 5 years ago

    Research funding in the US oddly doesn't seem to provide any rights to the IP to the taxpayers and only limited rights to the government, at least when it comes to the NSF and NIH (DoD research does seem to be different).

    Disclaimer: I'm a researcher in the US.

    • sitkack 5 years ago–Dole_Act

      Is what gives universities IP rights and allows them to keep research closed. Top Five Fascist laws in the books.

      • rhino369 5 years ago

        Fascist seems like a pretty extreme overreaction.

        • sitkack 5 years ago

          Corporatized public institutions are clearly a fascist move. Same goes for the public private partnerships in common wealth countries.

          • Angostura 5 years ago

            So anyone who implemented a PPI in the MHS is a fascist? Great way to devalue the term.

            • sitkack 5 years ago

              You are putting words in my mouth, this isn't what I said.

              I called Bayh-Dole act a fascist law, because it encourages the privatization of public research. It is literally a gift from the public to the corporation and encourages public organizations to participate in corporate behavior which is antithetical to their actual stated missions.

              The PPP (public private partnerships) in common wealth countries are aimed at achieving

              * less oversight of government activity and accountability

              * union busting

              under the guise of efficiency and cost reductions. And are anti-democratic. Fascism is the description we give to a certain type of corporate-statist behavior. The wonderful (facetious) effect this has is that is imperceptible to a lot of folks while slowly shifting the ideology to the right.

              I am not calling people national socialists. I never called a person a fascist. Bayh-Dole was probably well intentioned but the result has been the exclusion of public research for the public good. It stifles more innovation than it encourages. What term would you use?

    • rustyboy 5 years ago

      I've always wondered why grant funded projects are allowed to be patented, do you think just preventing the IP is enough?

      I've seen Mariana Mazzucato suggest the government as VC in that they get a portion of the profits from their grant projects, but then I wonder how they could safely regulate their own funding revenue?

      • azhenley 5 years ago

        I'm no expert in the area of research IP and govt funding, but my interpretation so far has been that the government provides the funding with the expectation that the research will ultimately improve society (even if it is through a for-profit business). It also values the training of graduate students with the funding.

        • yayana 5 years ago

          But the opposite happens because the same scientists own IP and run the study to determine its worth. So we know less and waste more than having done nothing.

      • rhino369 5 years ago

        Allowing the university to get the IP is another way to fund projects. If the university didn't get any of the IP, grants would have to be larger to fund all costs.

  • xxpor 5 years ago

    Considering the existence of crown copyright, I'm surprised you would expect anything from the UK gov to be open source or similar.

    One of my favorite things about the US is that works of the Federal government are public domain. It speaks to the fact the government is representative of the people themselves, not a particular person.

    Now granted, universities don't have to release their publicly funded work either in the US, but I think that should be changed.

    • tommorris 5 years ago

      This goes a little off-topic, but you might be pleasantly surprised about Crown Copyright.

      Crown Copyright doesn't deal with university research, only with works done by the government. Pretty much everything released by central government is now licensed through the UK Government Licensing Framework under the Open Government License (OGL), which is essentially CC-BY.


      Examples of loads of photos and documents that Wikimedia have taken copies of (and often reusing) under the OGL:

      • xxpor 5 years ago

        That's good to know! I guess I was a little out of date, I mostly saw this come up when there was a big push to get stuff on en.wikipedia moved to commons, and all of the UK/AU/CA content couldn't be moved for obvious reasons.

    • kwhitefoot 5 years ago

      One need not have an expectation of a good outcome to be disappointed that it doesn't happen.

  • rayiner 5 years ago

    Just because the government makes an investment in some research doesn't mean that it has bought the public rights to all commercial applications of that research.

    This should be obvious on HN of all places. The government is just an investor in this context. It can demand whatever terms it wants, but the terms you're proposing are basically "100% equity in return for funding initial development costs." Nobody with options would take that deal.

    • Barrin92 5 years ago

      The flipside here is that we're talking about a highly experimental technology that is not trivial to evaluate for consumers, and even likely snake oil (see luminosity)

      So the argument to "nobody would take that deal" would be: nobody would make that investment. Lots of tax payer and government money goes to projects that would otherwise not exist, as such their rights and access to information should go beyond what a usual private investor would expect.

      This obviously extends to academic freedom as well. If we're going down the road of treating the government as an investor in a 'university entreprise', then the government should obviously have shareholder control over a public university.

    • sgift 5 years ago

      > Nobody with options would take that deal.

      There are more than enough researchers and research which have no options, but are still valuable for society. Let the others be done commercially, more public money for those that really need it.

  • cptaj 5 years ago

    Definitely. Public funding should come with proper licensing restrictions that force open source.

    • chriskanan 5 years ago

      Much publicly funded research never leaves academia and governments want an ROI in terms of seeing the research in products. US research agencies have been trying to incentivize commercialization of research and for PhD students to pursue entrepreneurship. They launched the NSF i-corps program to facilitate that, with the intial curriculum by Steve Blank.

      Of course, this article is talking about UK research, but I assume the same desire to have research have impact applies.

      • mtgx 5 years ago

        Isn't that a little like saying that the government expects to see a "ROI" from educating children?

        The positive effects of open sourcing science could be seen down the road and not in a direct way, but in more indirect ways.

        • spzb 5 years ago

          Governments do expect an ROI from educating children. Educated children make employable adults who make taxable income which makes governments happy.

  • thereisnospork 5 years ago

    Researchers aren't (necessarily) philanthropists. They and the university both get a cut of the IP they develop to encourage them to both invent useful things and to get those useful things into production. If the commercially-viable fruits of this research had to be open-sourced it would be some half-commented github repo that no one would look at twice, because none of the researchers would have any incentive to make it anything more than that.

  • milin 5 years ago

    Thanks for Peak Brain that app is an ad hell hole.

  • andy_ppp 5 years ago

    Because capitalism?

    • fuzz4lyfe 5 years ago

      I'm not sure I understand could you go into more detail?

      • andy_ppp 5 years ago

        Haha, I’m just suggesting that where there is a profit to be made human beings tend to engineer opportunities to make cash, or in some cases, tenure.

        I would add that this happens everywhere from The Donald and construction of the wall (I’m sure the procurement process will be astonishingly transparent) to government building anything really. Clay Davis (shiiiiiiit) refers to this in The Wire as “the golden faucet”, a mythical place within government that you can make a seemingly infinite amount of money from. Alternatively for the UK read any edition of Private Eye.

      • 0x262d 5 years ago

        well, within capitalism, there is a massive amount of capital trying to find profitable investments of any kind. university research represents a promising source of such investments, so as long as private capital exists and is doing this, there will be all the socioeconomic pressure in the world for it to capture and exploit public research for private profits. sometimes this pressure results in useful things being made and sometimes it results in privatization of healthcare or research, public interest be damned. increasingly over time it is the latter.

ssfrr 5 years ago

The game looks like a gamified version of the test they're using to measure concentration. It seems likely that the subjects are getting better at that specific task through practice, but I'd be skeptical that the results would generalize to other tasks requiring concentration.

  • sam_goody 5 years ago

    Goodhart's law: "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure."

    If it is just training to become better at the test to measure ADHD (I don't know enough about the game to be sure) than it would be a classic application of that "law".

    • WhompingWindows 5 years ago

      I don't know much about the product either, but there are not good quantitative tests to measure ADHD. ADHD is a multifactorial diagnosis that can present with myriad symptoms, and it's diagnosed by examining a list of symptoms and their effect on the patient's life. For instance, do you lose things you need, are you attentive to details, do you daydream or space out to your own detriment, do you fidget or move when it's inappropriate, etc. It'd be very lackluster for a single test, or a single person, to judge these symptoms.

      The gold standard ADHD diagnosis would involve examining the child (or adult) in multiple settings with multiple people's evidence, and then comparing symptoms against those for anxiety, depression, and other MH diagnoses. If they have enough symptoms from the official list, and they've been carefully examined, they may qualify. A simple game/test will never be able to replace that process.

      • ThrustVectoring 5 years ago

        One of the big issues with these distress-based diagnosis metrics is that it fails to diagnose people whose social environments are particularly well suited for their mental health issues. If an autistic child has parents who manage their sensory sensitivities and work well with their communicative difficulties, the system sees a child who isn't experiencing a lot of the distress-based symptoms used to diagnose autism.

        So like, your gold standard diagnosis ends up depending a lot on the organizational and attention demands the patient is required to meet. A business analyst who is required to sit at a desk for eight hours a day and pay attention to boring numbers on a business spreadsheet is much more likely to get diagnosed with ADHD, while a barber that hangs out and does short haircuts while interacting with clients is much less likely to merit such diagnosis.

      • maceurt 5 years ago

        Furthermore, many tests for adhd also work as IQ tests, meaning if you have a loq iq you are more likely to get a lower score, and bice versa. I remember one of the tests for adhd involved response time to visual stimuli and how fast a person responded. Response time has a direct correlation to IQ.

      • paulie_a 5 years ago

        I generally agree but there are circumstances where you can just tell. My experience as an adult being rediagnosed was honestly answering a survey of questions. Half way through the psychiatrist already knew it. There was no question.

        I was originally diagnosed in college. And have managed it with a combo of effort and medication. Life has been good.

        Now I have two family member adolescents. One was diagnosed, and I knew he absolutely did not have it. It took two years before the psychiatrist admitted it was anxiety. Meanwhile the younger one definitely does, but personally I feel he is too young for medication or even be diagnosed. He will eventually be properly diagnosed and be prescribed.

        I know there is a lot of misdiagnosis, but sometimes it's incredibly obvious even on a first interaction. I am not a psychiatrist but sometimes you just recognize your people.

  • Bartweiss 5 years ago

    Dual N-back is currently the premiere brain-training task, by which I mean it's the only one that's ever looked at all promising for general benefit. Unfortunately, the newest and best studies suggest that even n-back performance is basically just a training effect on a single test, plus possibly improvement in visual processing. (In layman's terms, your memory doesn't improve, but you do get better at carefully watching for a dot.)

    This isn't being advertised as more substantive than dual n-back, just more gamified and playable. Given that n-back doesn't seem to work even if you're absolutely diligent about doing it, my expectation for "less rigorous but more playable" is that it will have no value whatsoever.

  • eranation 5 years ago


    About the game:

    "To meet the objective, users have to identify different combinations of number strings in missions littered with distraction."

    About the test (used to prove the game does improve cognitive abilities):

    "Those tested were asked to detect digit sequences (such as 2-4 or 6-8), and then hit a button once detected as quickly as they could — and multiple sequences could appear at the same time"

    This feels like a paid article to promote the Peak app. No science here unfortunately. I don't understand how public funds pay for studies like this.

  • systemBuilder 5 years ago

    While this may be true, I have found with my own son's that the number one most popular soccer skills test (MacDonald test, 1960) is also a good indication of soccer skills and you can train for it. It's a good adjunct to regular participation in a recreational soccer program. My sons achieved competitive A and B league performance (nerd kids, sons of a PhD computer scientists).

talltimtom 5 years ago

This seems borderline scientific fraud. They are showing that participants get better at a test when they practice the test. They use this to make outlandish claims about the test-training app which is sold by a company previously fined for making fraudulent claims around their braintraining apps.

  • Bartweiss 5 years ago

    Pretty much every brain-training routine that's ever showed promise has turned out to be a practice effect specific to the task. "Does it generalize?" is the question for regimens like this. After so many promising failures, I think it's inappropriate to claim even preliminary success without looking at that question. (Worse, in fact: they ran the Trail Making Test too, saw no significant change, and declared success because scores hadn't gone down.)

    Unless this stands up to a far stronger test, I'm not just dismissing the result but considering it an embarrassment for Cambridge's Neuroscience Institute, Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience, and ABC. Turning the results so far into a news story promising to free people from stimulants is reckless at best and dishonest at worst.

  • dublo7 5 years ago

    If you look at the study they don't actually test anyone with ADHD at all. Just talk about it.

    They should have a population with confirmed ADHD taje Ritalin or not and then play the game. The headline had nothing to do with the drug or ADHD.

    People who played more got better compared to playing bingo is all they could take claim.

jressey 5 years ago

This whole thing has been scrutinized for years. A quick read shows that people that play the game, get better at... playing the game. Whoda thunk? Also, a private company gets to sop up profits from something created by public money. Boo.

  • Bartweiss 5 years ago

    It's not exactly encouraging that the first author consults for Peak. The conflict of interest statement in the paper offers this deeply unpleasant comment:

    "BS consults for Cambridge Cognition and Peak. We have technology-transferred the App to Cambridge Enterprise who intends to technology-transfer the App to the games company Peak so that it can become widely available for use on mobile devices. This has not occurred yet."

    In short: we put up a free demo, but now we're giving all our code to the for-profit company our lead author happens to consult for. Also, they haven't bothered to actually release it outside their branded iOs-only app.

    • systemBuilder 5 years ago

      This is pretty typical in the psychiatry and psychology field. The only way to make big money is to write a book or invent a test.

arkades 5 years ago

Interesting that their press release claims the “public facing” version of the app is free ... but I can’t find anything except the peak brain trining app, which keeps decoder behind its pay wall.

  • spzb 5 years ago

    Thanks. You saved me wasting time downloading it.

    • jhhnn 5 years ago

      And creating an account just to do anything. And being subject to whatever horrors lie in their privacy policy.

blakesterz 5 years ago

"a month resulted in neurological improvements in healthy trial participants that were comparable to those taking stimulants such as methylphenidate (Ritalin) or nicotine."

I was pretty excited to read this headline, but the details don't make sense to me. They only did this on people without ADD?

I don't understand why they didn't test this on people who have ADHD. "Healthy trial participants" would never be taking stimulants such as methylphenidate (Ritalin), so how do they compare how a healthy person changes from Ritalin.

  • dijit 5 years ago

    > "Healthy trial participants" would never be taking stimulants such as methylphenidate (Ritalin), so how do they compare how a healthy person changes from Ritalin.

    Maybe in your circles. But I know a lot of people who abuse focus enhancing drugs (often touted as "nootropics") to keep up with their academic struggles.

    • jeherr 5 years ago

      I think the point is that there is little research on how healthy patients react to stimulants because they don't need them in the same way that those with ADHD do. This study says nothing about how this may help people with ADHD because you can't assume that they will have the same result.

    • intuitionist 5 years ago

      Yeah, there’s a pretty thriving resale market for Ritalin and Adderall at any given college.

  • Bartweiss 5 years ago

    > I don't understand why they didn't test this on people who have ADHD.

    Ease of sample, probably, but also as a baseline proof. There's essentially no evidence of any brain-training game ever producing significant cognitive improvements in populations with roughly normal functioning (in which I'm including ADHD). So before pitching it as a Ritalin replacement, step one would be to demonstrate that it achieves anything at all.

    Unfortunately, they don't seem to have done that either, because the test was so close to the game that practice effects are the most likely explanation.

eranation 5 years ago

I didn't read the entire study and didn't play too much with the app, but this entire article reads like an advertisement to the peak app. The only relation I found on peak's about page to Cambridge is Barbara Sahakian, FMedSci DSc, Scientific Advisor.

I'm not calling this a fraud but didn't numerous studies showed that any of the so called brain trainig apps don't show translation of skill to the real world? e.g. you do get better that the games the apps have, but not helping in actual real life scenarios?

The test they used (Rapid Visual Information Processing test) is just another "game" in a way. You can train someone to be better at the test, but it doesn't make their ADHD go away magically. I wish it was that easy.

It looks like the app includes games that are way too similar to the actual test that was used to determine progress in the test subjects.

From the article:

About the game:

"To meet the objective, users have to identify different combinations of number strings in missions littered with distraction."

About the test (used to prove the game does improve cognitive abilities):

"Those tested were asked to detect digit sequences (such as 2-4 or 6-8), and then hit a button once detected as quickly as they could — and multiple sequences could appear at the same time"

Am I missing something or this sounds like almost the same thing?

One can train and learn all the answers to an IQ test, this doesn't make one a genius.

This feels like a real great promoted article in the cover of scientific writing, but maybe I'm just and old cynic.

Once a study shows actual translation, after years of observation, that ADHD subjects get improvements in other aspects of life (school, social, grades, self esteem etc) then I'll be the first to support it. Until then, it just looks like greed and bottom line. I guess it's better than playing candy crush at least.

  • Bartweiss 5 years ago

    > didn't numerous studies showed that any of the so called brain trainig apps don't show translation of skill to the real world? e.g. you do get better that the games the apps have, but not helping in actual real life scenarios?

    Yes, this is almost always the problem. For quite a while, we thought dual n-back tests had generalized results, and so brain-training apps were basically attempting to stumble on a gamified version of that task. Unfortunately, newer studies[1] suggest that dual n-back also doesn't produce fluid intelligence or working memory improvements, so there's no proof of concept here at all.

    As for this study, the game and metric were exceedingly similar, and practice effects on the metric are an obvious risk. The researchers did apply a second metric less similar to their task, a standard dot-connecting task called Trail Making Task. Unfortunately, their stated intent was to show that improved single-task attention didn't degrade focus-switching attention, so this was a substantially different task for which they hypothesized no change.

    Their abstract reports a statistically significant improvement on TMT, which could be quite interesting. However, the full paper shows that Decoder had p=0.03 improvement on TMT over the active control (people who played Bingo), but the passive control (no play) was not significantly different than Decoder or the active control. This isn't regarded as a failure because they expected no change, but it means the study failed to show clear improvement in any metric which didn't precisely replicate the game's task.

    You're absolutely right to be skeptical here. Practice effects are a constant problem with this sort of research, and the study seems to be confusingly short on attempts to test for that. The actual app focuses more on gamification than using any type of proven test, and the lead author's corporate connection to Peak is at best concerning. I don't think there's any sort of fraud here, but it's a field riddled with well-meaning projects that turn out to lack any general benefit, and this result has all the warning signs for another promising failure.


rchaud 5 years ago

> available on iPhone and iPad

I understand if there's no web version, but no Android version in 2019 is ridiculous. That and the plus university research angle seems to indicate that this is a one-off app that is unlikely to be updated or maintained down the line.

  • Bartweiss 5 years ago

    I think it's the opposite problem, actually: Decoder is made by Peak, a company that specializes in Lumosity-style brain training games. This is basically a corporate/academic partnership, where Peak just wanted to develop for the higher-margin platform.

    As for the university research angle... it's bad research, embarrassingly so. There's a reason companies like Lumosity keep getting warned about making unsupported claims, and this looks like an attempt to get academic backing for a product with all the same problems as prior ones.

sandworm101 5 years ago

I always thought of Ritalin as a thing for kids. Then I went to law school on the east coast of the US. What totally changed my perspective was the large number of adult students (mid-20s/30s) still on Ritalin. I was no slouch, but many of them were getting better grades than me. At what point did Ritalin shift from being something to correct a legitimate deficiency into something meant to increase performance? If you are getting strait As in a graduate program, maybe you don't need it as much as you think.

  • reitanqild 5 years ago

    > I was no slouch, but many of them were getting better grades than me.

    ADHD doesn't mean stupid. Many people who suffer under ADHD are really bright, they just have problems with focusing in school.

    And AFAIK Ritalin doesn't increase intelligence, the best explanation I've come across is it just lowers the threshold for "interesting" in the ADHD brain until things like driving according to speed limits and listening to teachers isn't mind numbingly boring anymore.

  • kolinko 5 years ago

    ADHD is a genetic issue related (in most cases) to dopamine pathways in the brain. You don't grow out of it, just like you don't grow out of diabetes.

  • drngdds 5 years ago

    It's both. The latter isn't the intended use, of course.

BrockSamson 5 years ago

Very interesting to see how a particular style of game can have beneficial effects on attention. I wonder if the opposite is also true, although I'm sure there's some ethical issue with trying to find out.

arippberger 5 years ago

Does the app block access to Hacker News

  • stevewodil 5 years ago

    and reddit and youtube?

    In all seriousness I downloaded a browser extension to lock me into my course work when I need it. It's pretty sad for me

ChuckMcM 5 years ago

So basically this is a counter study to the 'brain stimulating games' do nothing papers.

Presumably the game is not that complex in its mechanic such that an open source version that ran on more platforms could be devised.

That said, I'm waiting for the study where they take participants and structure their access to email, social media, and television in such a way as to limit it to a prescribed time and duration. One hypothesis is that trying to multi-task negatively affects the ability to single task (concentrate) effectively.

jimkri 5 years ago

This is pretty cool. When I was younger I was hooked up to a game that was similar to EKGs with the connectors on my head and I would have to concentrate to play the game. It's great seeing its available for anyone with a phone.

I think VR games would be great for improving concentration, but at short intervals at first. Similar to meditation where you focus on breathing and then move onto other areas of meditation.

anonytrary 5 years ago

I wonder if they did research into MOBA games like League of Legends before making this app. League of Legends and other MOBA games are fun, competitive and require a boatload of concentration and reflexes if you wanna get good. I would point people to play those games if they wanna improve their concentration, although I'm not sure how much research there is on it.

  • golemiprague 5 years ago

    The reward mechanism in games is very different from real life. It is very immediate and accurate and that's why so many , especially men, enjoy doing it. It doesn't really help with anything else.

1rs 5 years ago

That site is not a news site... That's just paid advertising?

  • barbs 5 years ago

    ABC News? Probably one of the most reputable news sources in Australia. It's also funded and owned by the government and has no ads so I doubt it's paid advertising.

Ice_cream_suit 5 years ago

Sounds very much like the snake oil that accompanied Lumosity...

yters 5 years ago

Anecdotally, for awhile I was solving Soduku entirely in my head, and I had a noticeable improvement in memory. Once I stopped the improvement went away. So, there seems to be benefit to some sorts of brain training.

  • maceurt 5 years ago

    How do you solve soduku entirely in your head?

    • yters 5 years ago

      I memorize the layout, and solved the puzzle by imagining the grid. Don't use paper at all. The easy puzzles tend to have a certain symmetry that make them not too difficult to memorize.

lwindyb 5 years ago

Anyone see the difference is a couple percent

jpkeisala 5 years ago

And of course, I read it Cambridge Analytica... I cannot image what kind of damage that company gave to Cambridge University.

  • pergadad 5 years ago

    Cambridge is a city. There are many organisations calling themselves Cambridge (or Oxford for that matter), either because they are genuinely based there or because they hope to benefit from the association. Can't really trademark a city name though.

dura-ace88 5 years ago

Let’s not forget that it was Cambridge who first identified the political opportunities of knowing people’s psychological tendencies through survey collection on Facebook - before Cambridge Analytica was born.

Can’t help but feel that this is slightly on the nose.

dura-ace88 5 years ago

Let’s not forget that it was Cambridge who first identified the political opportunities of knowing people’s psychological tendencies through survey collection on Facebook - before Cambridge Analytica was born.

Can’t help but feel that doing something similar with cognition is slightly on the nose.