mrob 5 years ago

The biggest change here is the name. Instead of "Apache 2 modified with Commons Clause", which risked causing confusion with Open Source software, and with Creative Commons licenses, we get the much clearer "Redis Source Available License". "Source available" is standard terminology for this type of proprietary software license, so nobody should be mislead. I approve.

  • karianna 5 years ago

    Was very happy to see the rename. I participated in the review threads at the OSI and whilst I have a lot of sympathy for Redis, Mongo and others (I’m a closed source software CEO myself) I felt strongly that open source is not a business model and the definition of open source licenses should be kept strict to the OSD freedoms defined by the OSI.

    Well done to Redis for making this clear

    • kemitchell 5 years ago

      I recently quit the OSI lists, and am glad I did.

      I once believed that the OSD did a good job of defining the criteria for open source licenses. That changed by experience of how it's actually applied, how it fails, and how OSI fails to redress.

      The more I dug into available mailing list archives, the clearer it became that the problem isn't new. It's not just strong copyleft licenses and the constant stream of human rights licenses. It's the FRAND standards patent problem. It's the license-or-contract confusion.

      The situation now, as I see it, is that OSD is largely window dressing for OSI. The OSD is vague and incomplete, but sounds official and technocratic. So it functions as window dressing for the prerogative of those with sway at OSI, to call it as they see it.

    • ataturk 5 years ago

      I work with Kafka and Cassandra a lot. Datastax and Confluent try hard to add value but fall pretty short imo. I guess there's enough consulting they can do with companies who don't have or don't want to have expensive developers hanging around. But honestly, if they're too expensive for the tippy top of the Fortune 500, who are they for?

  • Pyxl101 5 years ago

    Thanks for pointing that out. That is a clearer name for their proprietary license.

    On that note, the title of the article is misleading. Redis hasn't changed its open source license. Redis remains BSD-licensed. This article is about the change in the proprietary license of certain Redis Modules.

    • kemitchell 5 years ago

      Rule 1 of open source licensing journalism: The title must be misleading. Otherwise, who would read this stuff?

    • numbsafari 5 years ago

      The title isn’t misleading, but the name of Redis Labs is. I would wager that far less confusion and hand wringing would have gone on with this if the company were named something else, like sbaL sideR.

  • CharlesW 5 years ago

    That helps me understand what's different this time, thank you.

  • dcbadacd 5 years ago

    I think it's still open-source, it's just not free (as in freedom) software. I'm annoyed how suddenly redis, even when source is available, is put into the same bin as say MSSQL, with rest of the "proprietary software".

    • gdwatson 5 years ago

      The usual definition of open source is the Open Source Definition,[1] which was adapted from the Debian Free Software Guidelines[2]. The sixth item prohibits discrimination against fields of endeavor, which this new license would violate.

      It's more like an especially generous version of shared source than open source.

      [1] [2]

      • dcbadacd 5 years ago

        I do not agree that some organization can define what open source is and everyone else can't. That's not free.

    • akerl_ 5 years ago

      It’s worth noting (and Redis Labs has attempted to note in the body of the article) that Redis (the database) remains open source, as it always has been. Neither the “Common Clause” change or this change affect the database, just the modules published to extend Redis, by Redis Labs.

    • doesnt_know 5 years ago

      They are the same. The full .NET framework effectively had the full source code available to read as the "Reference Source" but there was never any doubt it was proprietary.

      You can mince words and make inconsequential adjustments to proprietary software licenses but they are still proprietary.

      • Legogris 5 years ago

        The current iteration of the .NET Framework, .NET Core, is proper Open Source under the MIT license. .NET Framework 4.x above is a different beast all-together and requires Mono for cross-platform compatibility. I am guessing you are fully aware of the difference, but worth pointing out for readers who might not be :)

        • Sahhaese 5 years ago

          .Net Core is not an iteration of .Net framework.

          .Net Core and .Net Framework are separate implementations of .Net Standard.

          • WorldMaker 5 years ago

            Though the argument is that because all of the innovation is happening in .NET Core (and indeed the .NET Standard 1.x versions were a game of .NET Core implementing things first and backports eventually made to .NET Framework), the clear indicator seems to be that .NET Core is the present-future platform (ie, the "current iteration") for .NET and .NET Framework the backwards-compatible past. Though Microsoft has walked that messaging back, somewhat, it's very much the case that greenfield projects today are best on .NET Core, and even brownfield projects are welcome on .NET Core (.NET Core 3.0 "Desktop Pack" is now the best way to build and run WinForms and WPF applications).

    • michaelmrose 5 years ago

      Because there is minimal value in being able to read but not use the source

      • Semaphor 5 years ago

        Not sure the value is minimal. Many people read the .net framework source to get a better understanding even though you weren't allowed to do anything with it

SloopJon 5 years ago

"The community now understands that the original concept of open source has to be fixed." Well, how lucky for the community that a wise startup came along and fixed open source.

I get that open source business models are hard, especially in an increasingly commoditized space like databases. Still, it rubs me the wrong way when a business wants the goodwill of open source, then tries its hardest to bend the rules in its favor.

  • juliansimioni 5 years ago

    I think one thing that's changed is that there are lots of useful projects that would be great to have available in the open, but can't realistically be created as a side project.

    If small businesses can stay around while creating software that is open to use, and can be contributed to by the greater community, that will allow a lot more good stuff to be built and seems like a win for everyone.

  • djsumdog 5 years ago

    Why does one have to make money with open source? Why does that have to be a goal in and of itself. Are people going to take your stuff and not contribute back? Possibly .. that's why there's the FSF/Stallman and GPLv3 argument.

    Out of curiosity would the GPLv3 at least force providers like Amazon to release any modifications they make to FOSS stuff to turn it into a hosted/managed service? With things like Apache/BSD/MIT, does AWS currently mod stuff without releasing the results as FOSS? (Is Aurora DB really modified MySql or MariaDB under its core?)

    But going back to the point, yes this clearly violates the spirit of what many in the 90s viewed as FOSS culture. You write it because it's fun and you want to share. If you can make money off of it, that's great. If not, whatevers.

    The big players only open source middleware. Facebook will never FOSS messenger or any big critical parts of the platform itself. They only open the middle parts so other people can build applications dependent on them and the other big players.

    I wrote about OSS both in the 90s and today a while back. It's kinda a log read though:

    • burtonator 5 years ago

      > Why does one have to make money with open source? Why does that have to be a goal in and of itself

      Money is air... without money good luck competing against other technologies.

      I find that the OSS community is insanely naive about where OSS comes from.

      There's this assumption that it just comes for free like manna from heaven.

      I seem HN geeks (saying that in a good way) say how they want to use Firefox vs Chrome because Firefox is somehow less evil.

      But where does Firefox get its money from? Google. Google gets its money from ads.

      If you track down the source of all the OSS we're using there's some root source that most HN people would not be too happy about.

      And the flip side is also true too.

      I often hear people complaining about how they don't want to pay for apps and expect things to come for free.

      This REALLY screws over a lot of ISVs that are literally just trying to build cool apps.

      This is really a tragedy of the commons that we don't address very often.

      Most billionaires have figured out some way to exploit this issue - much to our collective disadvantage.

      • paulstovell 5 years ago

        So much this!

        At first the huge corporations saw OSS as a threat. Their model had been to spend money building software, then charge people for that software. Competing with $0 software scared them and caught them off guard.

        Now the corporations and VCs figured out how to use OSS as a weapon. And it’s a deadly one!

        The developer insistence on everything being open source means that it’s very easy for a large corporation to destroy a whole lot of ISVs by just releasing an OSS equivalent. VCs know this too.

        OSS is used as a PR tool. Projects like React and Angular go a long way to making the parent companies look developer-friendly, even though many developers would normally consider those company’s missions against their values.

        OSS is also a powerful way for corporations to commodotise their complements. You see this with the cloud vendors jumping behind Kubernetes to ensure Docker wouldn’t be the next Oracle.

        Developers expect everything to be free and open source. We’ll end up in a world where the only programming jobs left will be at the corporations who weaponise OSS the best.

        • delfinom 5 years ago

          >Developers expect everything to be free and open source.

          Considering that before "OSS" was big as it is now, many companies would refuse to fix their proprietary shit even if we were paying, fuck them. Even now the proprietary software I have to integrate is often basement level outsourced to 200 consultants trash. If anything, open source filters companies out those that are at least proud of showing their work.

      • nickpsecurity 5 years ago

        "But where does Firefox get its money from? Google. Google gets its money from ads."

        That's so overly simplistic. Google tries to spy on everything you do. Mozilla limits their ad revenue to an activity where people are actually looking for something by giving info to a third-party, surveillance (err search) service. They also let you easily change it with a private one built in. They're also owned by a foundation aimed at doing good vs a publicly-traded company that seems to get more evil over time.

        So, using and investing in Firefox exposes you to less risk, creates less evil in short/long term, and possibly does more social good. It's an objectively better choice for folks concerned about surveillance-based businesses.

      • tybit 5 years ago

        Just because Mozilla and Google are both predominantly funded by ads doesn’t make them equivalent. It’s not naïveté that leads OSS supporters to believe that, it’s a focus on multiple factors, money is an important factor but it’s not everything.

        There’s a reason Linux has been so successful even when Microsoft was vehemently against it with incomparable funds.

      • lmm 5 years ago

        > I seem HN geeks (saying that in a good way) say how they want to use Firefox vs Chrome because Firefox is somehow less evil.

        > But where does Firefox get its money from? Google. Google gets its money from ads.

        > If you track down the source of all the OSS we're using there's some root source that most HN people would not be too happy about.

        I use Konqueror, most of whose money comes from EU grants. I consider that a better source, and (not coincidentally IMO) it seems to result in a higher-quality codebase and a nicer program.

        Who do you think pays for Debian? More generally it seems like while most US projects are corporate-funded, this isn't true for European OSS. A lot of OSS originates in (usually publicly-funded) academic projects and/or direct volunteering. Of course, those projects don't have the advertising budgets of corporation-in-all-but-name style OSS.

    • wmf 5 years ago

      Why does one have to make money with open source?

      Making money is really a shorthand for sustainability. If developers aren't paid, their code can easily fall into disrepair which hurts all their users.

      Out of curiosity would the GPLv3 at least force providers like Amazon to release any modifications they make to FOSS stuff to turn it into a hosted/managed service?

      They may not make any modifications and those modifications wouldn't contribute to sustainability anyway. Developers can't eat contributions, so if a project is going to have any full-time developers then money needs to enter the system somewhere.

      • jaabe 5 years ago

        > If developers aren't paid, their code can easily fall into disrepair which hurts all their users.

        I agree with you, but I also work in a place where we operate 35 year old medical software that hasn’t needed a change in more than two decades.

        I know that’s unique and most of the stuff we build today will be out of rotation and obsolete in 5 years, but maybe we should have a conversation about the sustainability of modern software?

        I work in the public sector by the way, we operate around 10 different open source projects where I work, and we generally want them build to need as few changes as possible because developers are expensive. We do build for the web, as so many others, but we’ve actually achieved a ton of sustainable by using old slow moving techs like Django rather than more modern stuff.

        The simple truth is that we wouldn’t be able to afford open source software if we build it like most people build software these days.

      • meditate 5 years ago

        If all their users are threatening to switch to some AWS managed service because it is better for them, then perhaps the software should fall into disrepair and the developers should get other jobs. There isn't anything wrong with this, it happens all the time.

        It's probably true that Amazon is able to accomplish this only through strong-arm tactics, but it also seems unfortunate that Redis Labs feels the need to resort to similar strong-arm tactics in retaliation. It doesn't invite anything besides more pressure from Amazon and companies like it. Nobody wins in this in this scenario, especially not the customers who now have no refuge because both competitive offerings are trying to rope them into participating in a turf war.

        • sauceop 5 years ago

          It's a free-rider problem - if large cloud companies fork every successful open source infrastructure project, don't contribute back, and pull away a significant chunk of users, then there's a lot less incentive for other companies to invest in future open source development, because they'll have fewer users and get fewer code contributions.

          Potentially that shifts things from a good equilibrium where everyone reaps the benefit of many people contributing to the same projects, to a bad equilibrium where every major cloud player develops closed-source products separately.

          I don't think it affects all open-source projects, particularly not small ones or ones where some is scratching their own it. But it's hard to build certain types of complex production-quality infrastructure without full-time employed developers working on it.

        • themacguffinman 5 years ago

          What jobs? How can the developers get other jobs if no one is paying for their open source software in the first place?

          • meditate 5 years ago

            I don't understand, there are still lots of companies that fund FOSS. Publishing FOSS doesn't mean you can't go out of business, it means customers get an additional layer of protection from you going out of business or deciding you don't want to be in a certain market anymore, as Redis Labs has clearly done here.

            • ivalm 5 years ago

              Sure, those companies make money, ergo why people want to be able to make money while working on FOSS.

      • kemitchell 5 years ago

        > Making money is really a shorthand for sustainability. If developers aren't paid, their code can easily fall into disrepair which hurts all their users.

        I agree, for many, though not all, developers and projects. Crucially, a lot of folks who can't currently afford to do free work for reputation or personal edification can't currently afford to release open source.

        But I also think the money point emphasizes how unfortunate the term "sustainability" is. Typical software businesses don't seek sustainability. They seek profitability. Why should the developers they depend on settle for getting by?

        "Profit" has a corporate, rent-seeking connotation to it. In my own side projects and writing, I've come to prefer "gainful", as in "gainful open software development".

    • ezrast 5 years ago

      > Out of curiosity would the GPLv3 at least force providers like Amazon to release any modifications they make to FOSS stuff to turn it into a hosted/managed service? With things like Apache/BSD/MIT, does AWS currently mod stuff without releasing the results as FOSS? (Is Aurora DB really modified MySql or MariaDB under its core?)

      Aurora is absolutely a fork of MySQL; they're careful never to explicitly admit this in most of their documentation and marketing but their CTO's blog[1] links to a paper that mentions "obtaining significant throughput improvements over the base MySQL code base from which we started," and given how tightly they mirror MySQL with things like version numbers and goofy configuration flags that only exist for backwards-compatibility reasons, it would be hard to believe they built it from scratch.

      GPLv2 and v3 both allow this because they only require source modifications to be made available when the resulting program is distributed outside one's organization. Since the public only ever talks to an interface and never obtains the binary, Amazon doesn't have to redistribute. This is not true of the AGPL, which has additional redistribution requirements meant to prevent (what copyleft activists perceive as) this kind of abuse.

      There's an argument that since Amazon's changes are focused around integrating the storage layer with their particular infrastructure, the general public would find their changes useless even if they were to be distributed. Personally don't think this is terribly relevant to the larger discussion around licensing, even if it's true.


      • e12e 5 years ago

        Good points. But regarding:

        > This is not true of the AGPL, which has additional redistribution requirements meant to prevent (what copyleft activists perceive as) this kind of abuse.

        It's important to note that the "kind of abuse" AGPL is fighting is denying the end user the four freedoms. Eg freedom zero: if Amazon shuts down aurora, you lose the right to run the program.

        Upstreaming of modifications is kind of orthogonal to the GPL licenses - sure if A sells a program to B under the gpl, B modifies it and sells it to C, C will have the [ed: new and modified] source and may give it to anyone - including back to A.

        But the main thing gpl tries to enforce is that C will be able to use and improve the program as needed.

        The AGPL is a reaction to the rise of rent-a-program (SaaS etc) - where the user has very few of the four freedoms guaranteed - both if the provider goes bankrupt, and if the provider makes changes.

        • nybble41 5 years ago

          > It's important to note that the "kind of abuse" AGPL is fighting is denying the end user the four freedoms.

          But which end user would that be? The end user of the licensed program is Amazon. They're the ones running the program and using it to provide database services to their customers. Those customers are end users of Amazon's database services, not a particular piece of software.

        • kemitchell 5 years ago

          > Upstreaming of modifications is kind of orthogonal to the GPL licenses

          Correct. And well put.

    • jandrewrogers 5 years ago

      There are generally useful software projects that require initial investment of time and expertise that exceed what can be realistically achieved as a hobby for a first version. Most of the gaps in open source are software systems of this type.

      If you need a type of software system that requires 100k LoC of high-expertise code to get to a Version 1.0, you will need to spend millions of dollars. You can neither recruit non-experts to do a credible job, severely limiting the pool of people that could contribute in practice, and most people with a day job will be reluctant to spend the additional time required to write tens of kLoC of difficult, production-quality code -- man-years essentially.

      And this ignores that most "high-expertise" software designers are prohibited from working on open source versions of what they do separate from their paying job. This is the reason, for example, that the myriad exotic high-performance database engines don't have open source equivalents -- only a handful of people know how to design those systems and their closed source work precludes participation in open source. But even if they could, the level of individual effort required will exceed what they are likely to want to do for free.

    • fuzz4lyfe 5 years ago

      My dream for how to make money with open source is to create some software that is useful to people and then have a subset of my users pay me to implement, modify or maintain it for their specific purposes (example: "My accounting department would like quick books integration I'll pay you to add it in"). Given that i'd be the creator I should be the worlds foremost expert on it by default. Maybe that's naive?

      • rectang 5 years ago

        I did this for 10 years, 2 years as a freelancer (barely getting by) and 8 years as an employee. The project has now completed its lifecycle.

        You don't have to be a founder, you just need to be an expert. In terms of career development, I think the ROI is better on joining an existing project. But "progress depends on the unreasonable" and some people become founders nevertheless.

        • kikoreis 5 years ago

          I did this -- working on open source founded by other people, from Bugilla to GNOME -- for two decades, and my experience is similar. Contract work is available for customizing open source broadly, and pays well, but it has all the common downsides of contract work. Notably, it conflicts with the growth-driven VC model which is where open source has ironically become a cornerstone.

      • kemitchell 5 years ago

        This is possible. Folks have done it. But consider that by releasing the open source under permissive terms, like MIT, anyone else can come by and do integration/adaptation work, too.

        That leads to a kind of cross-purpose incentives. It won't be in your interest to make the code easy to understand or adapt. It won't be in your interest to document how you go about fulfilling those needs. You may face conflict in promoting the availability of your own services through documentation or other materials about the open source project.

    • orangeshark 5 years ago

      These Redis modules were originally using the AGPL. From what I understand the issue wasn't that they didn't have access to the modifications but that they provided it as a service on AWS which is what Redis Labs also offers.

    • anth_anm 5 years ago

      > Why does one have to make money with open source? Why does that have to be a goal in and of itself.

      Because we need money to live in our society right now.

      I don't think GPLv3 will help, You need AGPL or even more aggressive licensing.

    • iceninenines 5 years ago

      GPLv3 prevents TiVo, AGPL prevents AWS.

      Puppet has an Apache licensed community edition, and they make money just fine. RedHat, Canonical, and so on.

      • anth_anm 5 years ago

        AGPL doesn't prevent AWS, AGPL forces AWS to be open with their changes.

        Which I think is better. You might not enable FOSS devs to make much off their work, but you at least force companies to contribute.

        • kemitchell 5 years ago

          > AGPL forces AWS to be open with their changes.

          Unfortunately, AGPL is full of loopholes, which are emerging now, because large enterprises with access to specialist legal talent are putting the microscope on licenses for projects like AGPL MongoDB.

          MongoDB's counsel mentioned this directly in their statement submitting SSPL to OSI.

        • benatkin 5 years ago

          I think AWS would still rather do what they did with DocumentDB.

  • anth_anm 5 years ago

    Rubs me the wrong way when a cloud computing company repackages open source code and starts making huge money without contributing.

    Rubs me the wrong way when these same companies can just re implement the API and cause massive hurt to an open source competitor.

    • michaelmrose 5 years ago

      > Rubs me the wrong way when these same companies can just re implement the API and cause massive hurt to an open source competitor.

      What do you propose in that scenario. Copyrighting api has never been a thing prior and likely wont be as soon as the whole affair is appealed yet again.

      Why should you be able to control who makes a compatible part? Do you want your car company maximizing revenue by not allowing you to buy anything but new parts of their manufacture installed by their techs? Lets do it one better fueled by gas bought at a station willing to give the manufacturer a kickback. Perhaps to license the design of the pump connection.

      This future is so fundamentally broken and stupid we would do better to abolish all forms of intellectual property rather than fall into this moronic trap.

      • anth_anm 5 years ago

        > Do you want your car company maximizing revenue by not allowing you to buy anything but new parts of their manufacture installed by their techs?

        DRM for machinery is absolutely already a thing.

        What about shifting open source licenses so that duplicating an open source API in a proprietary product, or using a product that does so, is a violation of the license agreement?

        • michaelmrose 5 years ago

          You have to be party to such a license in the first place do you expect anyone to be stupid enough to sign up for that bullshit?

    • djur 5 years ago

      This is what web hosting companies have been doing for many years. It's not new to AWS or cloud computing. There's an entire industry built up around running and maintaining open source software for customers. Redis Labs itself is part of that industry, selling a service called "Redis Enterprise Cloud". I imagine that somewhere in that stack they're using open source software that they don't contribute to, don't you?

      • kemitchell 5 years ago

        > Redis Labs itself is part of that industry, selling a service called "Redis Enterprise Cloud".

        Correct. But Redis Labs very visibly and substantially funds development of the BSD-licensed Redis core database.

        Some of "open source hosting" companies did the same. I always think of Heroku hiring Matz, as an example.

    • brown9-2 5 years ago

      The idea that they are making money by simply repackaging the project or reimplementing the API is wrong.

      Customers are paying them to maintain and operate the hosted version of these projects. That’s valuable in itself and should not be seen as stealing money from the software’s authors.

    • LeonidasXIV 5 years ago

      This is what everyone is doing. Look at your node_modules folder. How many of those modules has your company contributed to? I think even 1% would be a tall estimate.

omeid2 5 years ago

"The community now understands that the original concept of open source has to be fixed."

The open source issue is fixed, it is called AGPL.

However, the issue that Redis along many other suffering from is called brutal competition, it is not even just tech or open source tech, Amazon is eating everyone's lunch. I don't have any idea how this problem can be solved.

But, I know that restricting building API compatible software is not a solution, not a good one at least.

Letting anyone build API compatible software is a natural order of things that enables innovation and helps consumers avoid lock-in, specially with stagnated software, this is a big deal and something that we shouldn't give up, so on that topic, fark Oracle.

  • djsumdog 5 years ago

    If Redis had some big product people used, and their Redis server was just a middleware component, it could be a great side business where they sell support, but not the primary business.

    All the other big players like Google/Facebook will open source those middle pieces to help people who will make apps that will most likely have to interact with their platforms. They'll never release the source to actual end products.

    Are there any examples where the middle-tier stuff is successful on its own as a business model? I guess you could say Redhat or Canonical, but even then they're developing a lot of commercial stuff around the core open source operating systems/distros .. things like Landscape. Also they got in early, years ago, and might be able to build a better foundation than more recent companies.

    • spectre256 5 years ago

      RedHat is (was?) sortof an example, but their product wasn't the open source software per-se, it was the guarantees their consulting and support offers.

      RedHat makes, for example, patches for kernel vulnerabilities, but they actually give that away for free. What they sell is a promise that when there's a new vulnerability, you can get a patch from them quickly.

      They also spread this service across MANY different open source packages. Like you said, a company that just offered services around a smaller package would have to run a lot more lean and would probably be a risky venture.

      • gruez 5 years ago

        >RedHat makes, for example, patches for kernel vulnerabilities, but they actually give that away for free. What they sell is a promise that when there's a new vulnerability, you can get a patch from them quickly.

        What's preventing someone from freeloading? It sounds like regardless of whether you're paying, you can still get the patches.

        • bonzini 5 years ago

          Nothing, in fact Oracle is freeloading with Oracle Linux. But people prefer getting the thing from people that have a better track record and have direct access to the developers.

          It's much harder for freeloaders to accept feature requests from customers, for example, because that would result in a fork.

        • ralph84 5 years ago

          Nothing. CentOS is RHEL without the logos and tech support.

        • sauceop 5 years ago

          If you're running IT for a major corporation and you have an issue with your OS that prevents your business from operating, what do you do? Hope that your IT team figures out an issue they've never seen before in code they have no particular expertise in? No, you want to be able to pull in people who actually know the technology and have seen it all before.

          • spectre256 5 years ago

            Right. It would have been be clearer if I sad people pay RedHat for the promise that they quickly make a patch for any issue available, and that they know how to identify which patches are relevant for any individual customer.

            What's the joke where someone fixes some machine and charges $1000? Their cost breakdown was:

            turning a knob: $1

            knowing which knob to turn: $999

        • SXX 5 years ago

          > What's preventing someone from freeloading?

          If you catch any bugs specific to your systems or need special feature Red Hat is always there to help because a lot of open source software developers are as well Red Hat employees.

          If you use CentOS or whatever other RHEL-based distribution there is no support at all other the one community might provide.

    • omeid2 5 years ago

      Even with closed source software, Amazon will eat your lunch, even if you're Microsoft: AWS WorkMail is Exchange compatible. It is a hard problem.

      • bpicolo 5 years ago

        > even if you're Microsoft: AWS WorkMail is Exchange compatible

        That may be the case, but WorkMail is definitely not eating MSFT's lunch. Microsoft continues to be incredibly successful in enterprise

  • kemitchell 5 years ago

    > The open source issue is fixed, it is called AGPL.

    AGPL is also busted. It has its own loopholes, some self-imposed for nebulous reasons attributed to software freedom, some self-imposed due to FSF's peculiar stances on copyright law more generally.

    Those limitations are starting to become practical, as big companies with legal talent actually start reading and analyzing the terms, as applied to important projects like MongoDB. Mongo alluded to those weaknesses in its submission of SSPL to OSI. I've written about them in slightly more detail:

  • anth_anm 5 years ago

    > But, I know that restricting building API compatible software is not a solution

    It's certainly a solution. It's just a really really bad one that makes lock in obscene and would probably strengthen amazon.

  • Dayshine 5 years ago

    >The open source issue is fixed, it is called AGPL.

    AGPL has one major drawback though, it prevents free non-commercial use.

    If I use ghostscript for a research data collection system, I have to open source the whole thing?

    I wish there was a version of AGPL which exempted non-commercial use, as I doubt anybody means to force charities to pay up...

    • gbuk2013 5 years ago

      > AGPL has one major drawback though, it prevents free non-commercial use.

      No, it doesn’t. It just requires that you release the source code of the modifications.

      An open source licence can’t prevent any use, otherwise it would no longer be an open source licence.

      • Dayshine 5 years ago

        AGPL doesn't have a linking exception, so it's not modifications only, it's all code that uses the library. E.g. in order to use an AGPL library I have to open source my entire project. We can all claim there is no security through obscurity, but the risk/reward decision is really difficult.

        AGPL is GPL + over the internet, not LGPL + over the internet.

        • gbuk2013 5 years ago

          And in no way does that "prevent free non-commercial use" as you originally claimed.

          If you do not like the obligation it places on you in exchange for using the work of other people then don't use it.

          • Dayshine 5 years ago

            Sorry, this isn't a semantic conflict on the meaning of "prevent" is it?

            A library adopting the AGPL license has the effect of making it impossible for closed-source non-commercial projects to use it, even without modification.

            > If you do not like the obligation it places on you in exchange for using the work of other people then don't use it.

            Commercial projects can afford to pay, open source projects don't need to.

            Charities, research institutions, etc can't afford to pay, and usually can't open source their projects.

            If we move to an industry where AGPL is standard without any exemption for closed-source non-commercial use, we prevent the usage that nobody would object to.

            • gbuk2013 5 years ago

              No one is entitled to use other people's work free of obligations, although they are sometimes allowed to do so through the generosity (and sometimes naivety) of others.

              • Dayshine 5 years ago

                Aren't we discussing what a reasonable industry standard for those obligations could be?

                That's what this entire thread is...

                GPL says no usage without sharing.

                LGPL says no modification without sharing.

                AGPL says no usage without sharing.

                We're seeing people move from LGPL to AGPL, which has generally unintended consequences.

    • brazzledazzle 5 years ago

      What would charities have to pay? If you’re non-commercial why would you balk at releasing your modifications?

      • Dayshine 5 years ago

        > If you’re non-commercial why would you balk at releasing your modifications?

        It's not modifications, it's your entire application. AGPL doesn't have the linking exception.

        Using an APGL library means I have to open source my account management code, or my data anonymisation system, etc.

        Of course I'm perfectly happy to open source modifications, but that's not AGPL, that's LGPL (or ALGPL I guess?)

kodablah 5 years ago

> the community now understands that the original concept of open source has to be fixed because it isn’t suitable anymore to the modern era where cloud companies use their monopoly power to adopt any successful open source project without contributing anything to it.

Assuming "community" means general open source devs/users, this doesn't speak for everyone. The (admittedly small) stuff I make open source is given to rich and poor, startup and big cloud company alike. I don't feel "taken advantage of" when my code is taken, used in secret, and nothing is given back. I'm glad I could help. Lots of the best open source software are just byproducts of the primary method of making money instead of its sole driver. All approaches/opinions are ok, but not everyone has this vindictive attitude towards how what you give away is used.

  • SloopJon 5 years ago

    One thing I've found surprising and interesting over the past decade or so is the popularity of permissive licenses like BSD, MIT, and others. I would have expected the essential share-alike fairness of copyleft to resonate more. I don't know if it's down to marketing (the whole viral thing), the influence of commercial users, or if it's fundamentally what people prefer, as you do.

    • kodablah 5 years ago

      > I would have expected the essential share-alike fairness of copyleft to resonate more.

      I have so much to say on this topic I could write a novel, e.g about commercial artists versus those who just want their art to be seen versus art commissioned with money obtained elsewhere. But in the most simple terms, at least with me, is I prefer to write and to use software with as few restrictions on/from others as possible. Can't feed my family on that of course and wouldn't try. If public domain were more accepted than MIT, I'd do it, but for now I just slap MIT on it and move on. If you make a million dollars on it, keeping changes hidden or not, good for you. I'm trying to do the same in my day job, the primary code of which is of course closed.

      As for the prevalence of restrictionless licenses on non-hobbyist software, you can attribute that to their stewards simply recognizing the value of hobbyists working with it (the company reputation gained, the influence, bug finding, etc). People want fewer restrictions, companies want people.

    • e12e 5 years ago

      See my other comment here:

      The gpl was always about end user freedom. The bsd/mit is more about developer freedom. Neither guarantees upstreaming of changes - but many see the gpl as effectively requiring publication of changes. And it does prevent restricting such publication.

      But if you develop a point-of-sale system (say) and sell it to a store chain - they might not have any motivation to publish the source - even if it includes a patched mysql, or some gpl code etc (maybe a patched Linux kernel?).

      Now, the client has the source, and hire someone else to adapt the system as needed, or publish the source if they want. But the gpl doesn't demand giving anything back to the original authors.

      How is bsd different? In that case the pos could be delivered without any source code. The client wouldn't be able to maintain it without help from the original vendor.

      • pferde 5 years ago

        "But if you develop a point-of-sale system (say) and sell it to a store chain - they might not have any motivation to publish the source - even if it includes a patched mysql, or some gpl code etc (maybe a patched Linux kernel?)."

        They also have no obligation to publish it. You are distributing the software to them, you have to give them the source code along with it. They are using the software, not distributing it further, therefore GPL does not require them to publish the source code.

        (I'm not trying to argue with you here, as I think you know this - I just thing your comment does not make this detail clear enough. :) )

    • omeid2 5 years ago

      It is actually about fairness.

      Commerce is a fundamental fact of life and for many projects an opensource approach just doesn't work, this a lot of people have to opt for closed source for business reason, but the very same people would like to leverage libraries and "open software". I do. And this is why everything I publish publicly is under a permissive license.

    • sjjshvuiajhz 5 years ago

      In my case, I’ve been disappointed many times at work because some library I wanted to use was GPL. I don’t want anyone to have that experience with the stuff I build.

    • kryptiskt 5 years ago

      GPL (and a CLA) is often used to push a commercial license or closed additions on the side. So the effect isn't fairness, but privileging one company and helping their business model.

  • sauceop 5 years ago

    The open source projects that are most threatened like this are the more complex infrastructure software that doesn't naturally get build as a side-effect of other work.

    If you look at a company like Red Hat, they're focused on building things that will work reliably for the diverse needs of their thousands of paying customers. Whereas a lot of open-source contributions are really about solving the contributor's specific problem.

    Sometimes if you get many people each making a contribution that scratches their specific itch you end up with something great. Other times it isn't cohesive.

  • tcd 5 years ago

    > I don't feel "taken advantage of" when my code is taken, used in secret, and nothing is given back. I'm glad I could help.

    If you make a new technology and an entity bigger than you comes along and makes profit, gives you no credit and contributes nothing in return, you are not going to be "glad to help", you're going to want something in return.

    These companies do not contribute so they're required to adopt the new rules as a consequence. It's not fair Amazon profits off work others do entirely for free. They should be required by law to contribute a % of profits to the open source community, based on software they've used. Similar to artists being paid a % of streams of their music.

    You use that NPM package? They have a donate button? You should be required to donate if you're a giant like Amazon/Microsoft/Google etc.

    • kodablah 5 years ago

      > you are not going to be "glad to help", you're going to want something in return

      That's not true and the very point of my comment. To each his own, but no need to assume it of others.

    • xj9 5 years ago

      > You use that NPM package? They have a donate button? You should be required to donate if you're a giant like Amazon/Microsoft/Google etc.

      a license with these terms wouldn't conform to any definition of open source or free software. if you want that, go for it, but if you've licensed something with any libre license you are already consenting to allow anyone use your software for profit as long as they meet the license terms. you may or may not agree with this state of affairs, but adding these types of restrictions/requirements also means that you aren't doing open source or free software anymore.

Sir_Cmpwn 5 years ago

Dammit TechCrunch... neither this nor the previous license were/are "open source".

My comment from another thread:

>As an outspoken critic of the original change, I applaud this move. I still wish it were open source, but this solves a lot of the confusing nomenclature I took offense with. Kudos.

That being said, this is some serious bullshit:

>But after the initial noise calmed down — and especially after some other companies came out with a similar concept — the community now understands that the original concept of open source has to be fixed

  • zokier 5 years ago

    The only place TechCrunch refers to it as open source is the title. The article body even explains that it isn't open source

    > By definition, an open-source license can’t have limitations. This new license does, so it’s technically not an open-source license.

    • Sir_Cmpwn 5 years ago

      This language is still awful. The title is inexcusable and this "technically" qualifier is implying that open source is some flimsy title to be bandied about with software that is not.

CharlesW 5 years ago

> “When we came out with this new license, there were many different views,” he acknowledged. “Some people condemned that. But after the initial noise calmed down — and especially after some other companies came out with a similar concept — the community now understands that the original concept of open source has to be fixed because it isn’t suitable anymore to the modern era where cloud companies use their monopoly power to adopt any successful open source project without contributing anything to it.”

So, is it true that HN now understands and is cool with Redis Labs "fixing" the concept of open source?

From reading previous threads on HN this seems like a mischaracterization, but it's quite possible I missed the relevant thread(s).

  • juliansimioni 5 years ago

    I think it's fair to say that people are acknowledging the problem: it's possible for a large company to use the rights offered to them by an open source license to create products that effectively end the financial viability of smaller companies that lead core development of the project.

    There's definitely not yet agreement on the solution, and Redis Labs alone is not going to solve it.

    Roughly I think different people believe several things such as:

    1.) The purity of open source (no restrictions on use) trump the needs of a company that does core development to profit, and so nothing should change.

    2.) Its ok for companies doing core OSS development to "build a moat" that protects their revenue stream, but it shouldn't be done at the license level. Instead companies should look somewhere else like their expertise/reputation, building products on top of their open source code, etc

    3.) Adjusting licenses is a reasonable way to allow interesting code to be available for use by anyone (under a not-quite pure open source license), and we are figuring out the best way to do that

    • jhall1468 5 years ago

      > I think it's fair to say that people are acknowledging the problem: it's possible for a large company to use the rights offered to them by an open source license to create products that effectively end the financial viability of smaller companies that lead core development of the project.

      That's been true since the MIT and Apache license came into existence.

      Your third item just reeks of justification. "not-quite pure open source license" is nonsense. This is not an open source license, at its core. The goal here is to prevent use.

      So I don't think the third is a valid option when we're discussing "fixing" open source. It's a valid option for protecting a companies revenue stream, but in doing so that company is no longer an "open source company" by definition.

    • CharlesW 5 years ago

      I appreciate you taking the time to explain, Julian.

  • vertex-four 5 years ago

    This isn’t a solution to building business models on open source software by definition, but it’s potentially a solution to building business models on proprietary software where your customers want to be able to fix bugs and make improvements on their own.

    Note that “source available” licenses aren’t new - they used to be the norm, even around the time the Free Software Foundation was started, and still are the norm in some industries. Even Microsoft will sell you a “shared source” license for some of its software. The defining feature of open source software is not that you can freely see the code, it’s that you can freely modify and use the code for any purpose.

    The issue isn’t that these business models exist, it’s that there’s a new wave of companies that wish to take advantage of the vast amount of work that FLOSS advocates and activists have done over the decades in order to push proprietary software, and that’s not ok. This isn’t “fixing open source” - this is creating proprietary software using a proven business model and lying about what it is.

  • wokwokwok 5 years ago

    I’m not exactly sure why you’re being down voted, but from my perspective, hey it’s your code use what license you want.

    That’s fine.

    It’s not fixing anything, it’s just more arbitrary proprietary software.

    Just don’t call it open source, and keep your hands away from the Apache brand.

    • CharlesW 5 years ago

      > Just don’t call it open source, and keep your hands away from the Apache brand.

      Thanks! So it sounds like you're personally okay with this solution?

      • Pyxl101 5 years ago

        Sure. Why not? There are lots of companies in the world that sell proprietary software. Nothing wrong with that. A lot of great software in the world, from a user experience perspective, is proprietary. Think about the devices, computers, and websites that you use on a daily basis - most of these are probably proprietary. I don't think there's any moral obligation for someone to give their work away for free as open source.

        Let's just not confuse proprietary software with open source software.

        • dcbadacd 5 years ago

          Let's not confuse proprietary software, open-source software and free (as in freedom) software.

  • danShumway 5 years ago

    I acknowledge that sustainability is a problem in Open Source.

    I strongly disagree that this is a problem with the original concept of Open Source, and I strongly disagree that Redis's solution is applicable.

    Redis is talking out of its butt with this claim. The solution it proposes is throwing the baby out with the bathwater -- saying, "we can't figure out how to fund Open Source, so let's just agree that it was a mistake and make something else that's vaguely adjacent to it."

    I personally think it's massively egotistical for them to claim to speak for all developers, or even most developers. Redis hasn't proposed anything new or revolutionary. Source Available licenses have been around for ages. I don't see what's new here.

    I personally feel like Redis is stepping into a general debate over Open vs proprietary software that is older than their company; and I don't feel like they're bringing anything new to the table. They've clearly decided that proprietary is the way to go. Now they're acting like this is some kind of significant decision, and that the entire Open Source ecosystem should change to accommodate and bless their specific business model.

    It rubs me the wrong way. I often disagree with decisions that companies make, but this press release actually gets under my skin. I'm not dumb enough to try and speak for anyone else other than myself, but if their goal here was to spark dialog in the Open Source community, I am personally way less interested now in hearing what they have to say.

avar 5 years ago

I wish Redis and its ecosystem was 100% open source, but I also wish for a pony.

I applaud Redis Labs for not being one of the companies (such as MongoDB) that appears to be intentionally trying to muddy the waters by blurring the distinction between open source and proprietary software.

  • kemitchell 5 years ago

    > intentionally trying to muddy the waters by blurring the distinction between open source and proprietary software

    Consider this quote from RMS, in Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism:

    > I make my code available for use in free software, and not for use in proprietary software, in order to encourage other people who write software to make it free as well. I figure that since proprietary software developers use copyright to stop us from sharing, we cooperators can use copyright to give other cooperators an advantage of their own: they can use our code.

irq-1 5 years ago

Community edition (open) and Enterprise edition (closed) has been a strategy for years, but now AWS/GCP/Azure are building the enterprise part themselves using the community software.

Changing the enterprise/closed license won't stop the cloud providers. Changing the open source license will: imagine a 4-part BSD that adds a license fee for organizations with over a billion in revenue. That goes to the heart of the problem and still lets everyone else use the software like it's a 3-part BSD.

jarym 5 years ago

I’m beginning to think the coolness of open sourcing stuff is wearing off a bit.

If it is core tech to a business then why bother? Lots of cool projects don’t really get that many contributors. No point getting a community hooked on your software if you have to give it away and hope they’ll one day buy some services so you get paid.

All in all I foresee it becoming easier that source is kept closed for all things non-core to a business.

eberkund 5 years ago

Given the choice between close source software and open source software which is restricted legally I will still gladly take the latter.

flurdy 5 years ago

Think we need a standardised AGPL-like license that includes API as well as code. (Cue Oracle v Google ) There may be several in existence already?

To prevent AWS and its ilk duplicating features of other's products but not really run (or pretending to not...) their software underneath.

I also hoped Morsi's tweaks to AGPL, the Lesser Affero GPLv3, would have become more popular.


  • kemitchell 5 years ago

    I'd love more feedback on this license:

    It's written in everyday English. We've already had some great feedback from interested hackers.

    • flurdy 5 years ago

      This looks very good to me. I do not speak legalese but it seems to me to cover the API clauses I was looking for.

      I may be using this license for some projects going forward. :)

      • kemitchell 5 years ago

        I am about to release a version 1.0.0. I'd strongly suggest you watch releases on GitHub.

        I'd also appreciate a note on GitHub about any projects using the license. Eventually, I'd like to add a list to the repo.

  • Dayshine 5 years ago

    Wow, that license (LAGPL?) is exactly what I wish people would use in reaction to commercial abuse of their LGPL/GPL licenses.

    Seeing people move from LGPL to AGPL is very concerning as someone who is working for a charity.

    • detaro 5 years ago

      I'm curious about examples of things that moved from LGPL to AGPL, given that LGPL is more for libraries, and AGPL seems way more common in software that can standalone?

tanilama 5 years ago

What are Redis's alternatives? Might be a good idea to have one, had their VC backers pushed them too far into monetization, leading to even more drastic licensing changes.

  • djur 5 years ago

    It doesn't look like Redis requires a copyright assignment from its contributors. The bulk of the files have a copyright statement for Salvatore Sanfilippo (antirez), but other contributors have copyrights in there as well (including Redis Labs). Redis Labs employs antirez and bought the trademark from him, but it doesn't appear that he transferred copyright to them. Even if he had, I don't think Redis Labs would be able to unilaterally relicense Redis.

    What Redis Labs owns (and is distributing under this new proprietary license) is a set of modules that they developed for use with Redis. They aren't officially part of Redis.

    • WorldMaker 5 years ago

      Yeah, it's a very ugly and confusing case of "trademark overload" where "Redis™ Labs" is not directly the owner of "redis" the server application but is directly the owner of "Redis™ Modules" add-ons for the server application. Redis™ is not exactly "redis", one of these things is not like the other.

luord 5 years ago

So they've essentially admitted that redis labs is now open core. Good for them, I remember how adamantly they tried to deny it during the "commons clause" debacle.

hannob 5 years ago

Hey Techcrunch, I fixed this headline for you:

"Redis Labs Changes Its Non-Open-Source License Again"

Proven 5 years ago

Nothing changed for me.

I will use Redis if I have to thanks to my circumstances, otherwise I will avoid to use or contribute to restrictively licensed ("fake free") software.

Redis has a business problem and they are trying to solve it. Fine. If need be just make it proprietary and move on, but don't waste our time on trying to persuade me that Open Source always means free. Today they're targeting Amazon, tomorrow it may be the rest of us.

If it's not BSD, MIT or Apache-licensed, it's likely restrictive so treat it as proprietary (nothing wrong with that, just don't waste my time by selling me your fake Open Source fairy tales).

johncolanduoni 5 years ago

I don't really see how cloud providers are using their "monopoly power to adopt any successful open source project without contributing anything to it". The fact that e.g. AWS is a (near) monopoly, or even just massive has little to do with it. They provide VMs, those VMs can run software, and if you want they'll manage the VMs with the given software for you if you'd rather not worry about it. Rackspace does the same thing, and they're a million miles away from a monopoly.

I don't see how these measures are practical either. Redis is much easier to do a cleanroom implementation of than MongoDB, so I doubt this kind of thing will produce any other kind of response from Amazon.

  • skrebbel 5 years ago

    It's not about VMs, it's about "Amazon so-and-so is a fully managed cloud database that speaks the XYZ protocol", which is code for "we forked a popular open source product and we're not going to contribute our changes back".

    • johncolanduoni 5 years ago

      I don’t believe that DocumentDB actually runs any MongoDB code. On the other extreme, there aren’t any apparent Amazon-only features in their services that are simply hosted versions like they do with Redis (via Elasticache). If that was the issue these companies could have just gone with the AGPL. The problem isn’t that they’re maintaining internal forks with changes they won’t contribute back, it’s that they’re either (a) running unmodified versions or (b) cleanrooming the whole shebang.

      I don’t see how to make the first impossible without effectively using a proprietary license, and banning the second would hurt open source much more than it would help it