MiddleEndian 5 years ago

There's a lot of fun conspiracy theories related to Antarctica. Flat Earthers think it's the edge of the world, Hollow Earthers think it's the entrance to the inside of the planet, some other group thinks it's an alien crash site, and almost all of them think there's covert high level government conspiracies going on there.

Some of them could be good sci-fi story tellers if they redirected their energy.

jalgos_eminator 5 years ago

Why don't they just send a camera into the upper atmosphere attached to a weather balloon? It probably would cost waaaay less.

  • NikkiA 5 years ago

    They've done that, and then concluded that the person doing it was obviously a shill & faking it all.

    (Which is pretty much the guaranteed outcome of this endeavour too)

  • undersuit 5 years ago

    A number of flat-earthers have stated that since the cameras and lenses are made by "them" you can't trust the results. Any visible curvature was put there by the manufacturers.

  • Rebelgecko 5 years ago

    But then you won't be able to crowdfund a cool vacation

KorematsuFred 5 years ago

They had my serious attention till the point they mentioned "Neil Degrasse Tyson, Bill Nye" and serious scientists.

iceninenines 5 years ago

PSA->media and all: stop feeding the wingnuts/trolls.