Docker is celebrating its 6th birthday with an easter egg

4 points by pravj 5 years ago

Official Docker Image


Quoting the README of docker/birthday [1]

"March 2019 marks Docker's sixth year, and we thought we'd celebrate it docker-style with a birthday surprise!"

To try it out, run:

"docker run -it --rm surprise"


Self-plug but I have noticed this from my side project "Follow GitHub Organisation" [2]




Something1234 5 years ago

I can't seem to pull a lot of docker images as of late on my machine. I keep getting unauthorized.

   [0] % docker pull surprise
   Using default tag: latest
   Error response from daemon: pull access denied for surprise, repository does not exist or may require 'docker 
Any ideas?
chmaynard 5 years ago

Seems like a bad idea. I don't like surprises, especially those that involve running untrusted code on my computer.

  • KhalPanda 5 years ago

    Normally I'd get your point, but it's untrusted code sandboxed inside a container...

Adamantcheese 5 years ago

Neat! Looks like it just animates a few ASCII sprites and confetti. The source is right there anyways.

cosmos05 5 years ago

I hate this idea..