lelf 5 years ago

Phoenix.LiveView — you can't ignore it, the coolest thing happening right now about server-side rendering.

Demo: https://youtu.be/Z2DU0qLfPIY?t=2628

Links: https://leveljournal.com/why-phoenix-liveview-is-a-big-deal https://elixirforum.com/t/phoenix-liveview-info/16569

PS please stop calling it isomorphic — this is disgrace for the mathematics.

  • jypepin 5 years ago

    I've started to play around with LiveView by migrating something from ajax to it [0] and it seems very nice! It's still in beta tho and a lot to do still... but very promising indeed :)

    [0] http://jypepin.com/elixir-phoenix-liveview-with-a-real-world...

    • mercer 5 years ago

      It's quite impressive. Took me two hours to figure everything out, and just one hour to turn much of an existing 'old-fashioned' server-side rendered Phoenix app into a quite dynamic one where:

      - various page elements update when the server/db does (new users, new items, etc.) - sorting tables works dynamically - table cells are updated on click (toggle-type stuff)

      What made this so easy to do is that all I had to do was:

      - move chunks of controller logic to the LiveView mount() function. - add a phx-click and phx-value attribute to my existing templates (and rename them from .eex to .leex) - add click handlers to the LiveView modules - use the built-in PubSub functionality in my DB logic and subscribe from the LiveViews

      Obviously there are legitimate reasons why LiveView isn't good enough, but this is an incredibly simple solution provided you 1) are willing to use Phoenix, 2) can assume your clients have internet and you don't need offline capabilities

      I've honestly worked on very few SPA projects where I can't see LiveView being a good option.

  • quickthrower2 5 years ago

    Calling it isomorphic might be a disgrace for mathematics, but in terms of the Greek meaning of single form, it’s accurate.

    • kyriakos 5 years ago

      I speak Greek natively, isomorphic literally translates into "same form"

    • zepolen 5 years ago

      Please don't be offensive to mathematicians.

  • Tistel 5 years ago

    also, from a selfish programmer standpoint, programming in elixir is really such a joy.

    • 0_gravitas 5 years ago

      I've just recently gotten into elixir, and it really is the first time in a long time I've wanted to just "do things" just for the sake of doing them with a language.

_bxg1 5 years ago

The main advantage of server-side rendering of client-side templates is cutting your initial load time to a bare minimum (not having to wait for scripts to load/compile, taking advantage of page caching, etc.). However, this usually only matters when you're afraid of users getting impatient and bouncing, which tends to be true of sites that mainly display content and don't have a ton of interactivity, and sites like that usually shouldn't be using client-side rendering in the first place.

So you have two buckets: web apps that don't care too much about shaving milliseconds from the initial load, and content sites that shouldn't be shipping heavy JavaScript in the first place. The target market for hybrid rendering is the tiny slice of sites in-between those two, so it's a minority of use-cases. Though it is also used by sites in the latter category that are shipping heavy JavaScript anyway and having regrets.

  • jypepin 5 years ago

    A big one for the need of server side rendering is SEO. Without server side rendering, most web crawlers don't have access to your content and you can't rank for SEO.

    • _bxg1 5 years ago

      Given the prevalence of client-side rendering, I think all the major players have learned to circumvent this. They can run a full headless browser instead of just looking at the raw HTML, and detect when the JavaScript seems to have rendered the content.

      That said, user experience (in this case site speed) can be a factor in how Google actually ranks pages, so that could be another motivation.

      • jypepin 5 years ago

        Well... as everything else with how Google's crawler and algorithms work, there are no official or definitive answer, but what has been communicated is that it could work but definitely more difficult and can lead to more issues.

        Knowing a bit about SEO, if you want to invest in your ranking, I wouldn't go without server-side rendering.

        • _bxg1 5 years ago

          Still, the two buckets I described above hold true. If someone is returning to your web app - Slack, or Trello, for example - you don't care as much about SEO because most of your visitors are return visitors. Your splash page, on the other hand, needs to be optimized for SEO but won't have much interactive complexity, so it doesn't need client-side rendering.

        • davidjnelson 5 years ago

          A lot of seo data is meta tags in the head. These aren’t going to render client side.

      • walshemj 5 years ago

        Yeh they use a two stage process now but client side is still best - look at the recent JavaScript series on googles webmaster chanel.

    • dplgk 5 years ago

      Funny that JS has the same SEO problem Flash had.

      • draw_down 5 years ago

        Not really? They are both imperative programming languages and not markup languages, so it’s unsurprising that they have this in common.

        Except they sort of don’t have it in common now because Google executes JS. You can even see a PhantomJS rendering error in their search result previews if you get “lucky”.

    • raquo 5 years ago

      SSR for the purposes of SEO can be achieved in a simpler way, without complicating your whole app to support SSR.

      Just pre-render the page in headless chromium / puppeteer when a search engine bot requests it and return the resulting html.

      • davidjnelson 5 years ago

        This is pretty slow though right? Those speed penalties will impact your google search ranking.

        • raquo 5 years ago

          I haven't had a chance to try it myself yet, but from what I've read the extra delay is sub 100ms. Caching or pre-rendering the HTML output for bots in advance is an option too depending on the particular use case.

          I would certainly consider this ahead of SSR driven by "isomorphic" Javascript for frontend-heavy apps.

      • pcmaffey 5 years ago

        I pre-render my pages with puppeteer on build, and then hydrate with the js bundles. Everyone gets the faster experience of an HTML page (not just crawlers), while the full js loads async.

        Example in my profile.

      • jypepin 5 years ago

        really not sure having a separate way to render your page just for crawlers, using a different rendering engine is "simpler" than having SSR.

        • raquo 5 years ago

          SSR is only easy if your frontend is written exclusively in SSR-compatible libraries and your backend is node.js, and even then you need to adjust your frontend code for SSR because node.js doesn't have all the browser APIs that your code could be using (like XHR or the real (not virtual) DOM).

          On the other hand, puppeteer executes your application in virtually the same environment as the user's browser, without polluting your frontend architecture with SSR concepts and limitations.

          Yes, you'll need to set up a bit of infra initially. Depending on the use case it may very well pay off.

  • basch 5 years ago

    It feels so much faster tho, to not have websites slow down when my browser slows down. Server side rendering should be considered a better experience for the end user, especially if it can prefretch the next pages.

mxstbr 5 years ago

Universal rendering is widely used in the React ecosystem, in large part thanks to Next.js[0] making it simple to set up and run.

Many large sites like Marvel.com, Nike.com, Invisionapp.com, hulu.com and many more run on server-side rendered React, see the Next.js showcase for a more complete list: https://nextjs.org/showcase

[0]: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/

  • leerob 5 years ago

    Agreed. I'm a big fan of Next.js and haven't had any major problems with it. While there have been some quirks and nuances I had to learn[0] it still provides the easiest platform for SSR out of the box.

    [0]: https://leerob.io/blog/things-ive-learned-building-nextjs-ap...

    • chatmasta 5 years ago

      I'm evaluating next.js for a new project. But coming from create-react-app, I'm a bit skeptical of these "frameworks" that seem to provide little benefit beyond developer tooling (i.e. setting up webpack, hot reload etc). create-react-app was great in the beginning, but months later was really annoying. I get the feeling next.js could end up like that. At least you can eject from CRA.

      I'm curious if anyone has gone the "roll your own" route with SSR + react, starting with a simple approach and adding complexity only as it becomes necessary. Has anyone done this and maybe also used next.js? I would love to hear a comparison, because at the moment I'm unconvinced next.js is really necessary if you know what you're doing, or you intend to maintain the project for more than 2 years.

      • lioeters 5 years ago

        I'd highly recommend trying out Next.js. Once you've got the framework-specific concepts, it's quite refreshing to base an app on. There are plenty of "escape hatches" to customize webpack, babel, server-side API, etc.

        That said, I don't use it much anymore - I rolled (and continue to use) my own SSR, adding features as I needed them: taking care of async server-side actions like fetching data; rendering the app; passing initial state to client; dynamic chunk-splitting of routes; a way to export all app routes to static files..

        There are many moving parts and "tricks" I had to discover - like, how to bundle client/server bundles with webpack (chunk-split on client, all bundled together on server), creating script tags on server to fetch route-specific chunks faster on initial page load..

        So, unless you're into understanding and building/customizing every feature, your time might be better spent letting Next.js provide all that as a foundation. It's well-organized and documented, so I think it would be valuable for teams working together also.

      • pcmaffey 5 years ago

        I had that exact experience with Next. Ended up hating it for a variety of reasons (routing, file structure, build) and fortunately no longer have to support that project.

        Now I roll my own. I pre-render with react-snap, use react-imported-component for code-splitting and hydration. The pre-rendered static HTML pages are everybit as good as SSR. It adds an extra few seconds to the build process, but with Netlify's CI, I push to Github and its live once I'm back from the kitchen.

heynk 5 years ago

At my team, we use next.js for pretty much every 'web-based' product.


It gives you SSR with React out of the box. It's really nice to work with, and flexible enough that we haven't had issues with more customized situations.

zamalek 5 years ago

While not JavaScript, there's now Razor Components[1]. It doesn't work exactly like isomorphic JS, as it operates more like a terminal session (the server sends down VDOM mutations to the client). I'm not entirely sold on the approach yet, but I am going to be keeping an eye on it.

[1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/razor-component...

  • sansnomme 5 years ago

    I wonder what took so long for DOM-deltas-over-websockets tech to show up. It was only in the last two years or so for stuff like Plotly's Dash and Elixir Phoenix's LiveView to become popular even though we had Websockets and event driven networking for ages.

    • mercer 5 years ago

      If I understand correctly, Chris McCord actually did something similar back in his Rails days (https://github.com/chrismccord/render_sync), but the issues he ran into actually led him to create both Phoenix and, eventually, LiveView.

      I'm sure others are better at explaining the details, but from what I gather this approach is now more viable than it was in the past with other stacks because 1) Phoenix is really efficient and fast with rendering templates, 2) The Erlang/Elixir-specific channels/process approach makes it much easier to have tons of websocket connections open and maintaining state, and perhaps 3) javascript got a lot faster.

  • xeromal 5 years ago

    I played around with a Blazor POC not to long ago. It's something else to hit a breakpoint in Chrome in a DLL running on the mono runtime. It's wild tbh. I was able to leverage the trusty old C# Timer class to increment a counter every second and it ran just fine.

    • zamalek 5 years ago

      Razor Components are quite different to Blazor (although I think you can use the same code on both). If you weren't already aware of this difference it's worth taking another look.

aeharding 5 years ago

I've had great success with Vue's builtin SSR -


Great for FB/twitter share scraping, google scraping, etc. Also much better startup speeds.

Once you get it configured it's very little additional work to maintain.

I have it set up to do things like determine mobile/desktop depending on the `user-agent` to determine the prerendered page to serve, and then the client side JS takes over depending on the viewport size and will either a) Rebuild (less than 1% of the time) changing the markup from desktop->mobile of mobile->desktop or b) Continue happily

  • dmortin 5 years ago

    > Great for FB/twitter share scraping, google scraping, etc.

    Google scraping? How/why can it be used for google scraping? Doesn't google return html result pages?

    • jazoom 5 years ago

      I believe they mean Google can easily scrape your page. Otherwise known as "SEO" in this context.

      • dmortin 5 years ago

        Thanks. I know what SEO is, the word "scraping" confused me, because it usually refers to people scraping the pages of various services.

        • jazoom 5 years ago

          Yes, and in this case it also means one party scraping the webpage of another.

          I also had to read the comment twice to understand it.

artellectual 5 years ago

I built a solution for server side rendering using Elixir / Plug and Chrome Headless via Chroxy. It simplifies server side rendering greatly since it doesn’t care about the client side library you use. I have been using it to power my site[1] which is written in React.

I also happen to make the Elixir Foundation series of videos[2] that show how to do serverside rendering using elixir. So I’m dog fooding the dog food.

[1] https://www.codemy.net

[2] https://www.codemy.net/sets/elixir-foundation

dfabulich 5 years ago

For sites using React, Angular, Vue, and Ember, the "talk" has died down because it's just a standard feature of the platform. Server-side rendering is part of the table stakes at this point for JS frameworks.

cwisecarver 5 years ago
  • Scarbutt 5 years ago

    Is there a demo server somewhere? wonder how well it will work if you are at 200ms from the server.

    • cwisecarver 5 years ago

      I don't know of any off the top of my head or a quick google search. I do know, from the latest ElixirTalk podcast, that it's very careful about what it sends over the wire, only the parts that have changed. If you're interacting with an API to get the same information for a SPA you're probably going to have similar latencies.

azangru 5 years ago

> Are any products still using it?

Of course they are. Lots.

The New York Times. The Intercept. AirBnB. Just off the top of my head.

lr4444lr 5 years ago

My two cents:

1) Lack of reliable real time ability to detect device and compute size. 2) Increased computation complexity of what to render - why put that load on the server when devices are now commensurately as fast - or even faster given the trend to distributed services that maximize network throughput over power.

I'm not even sure why it was so popular in the first place; client server separation is a good thing, IMHO.

  • Can_Not 5 years ago

    Best practice would be to wrap anything that is both unnecessary for SEO and non-trivial into <no-ssr> tags. No need to render a datetimepicker widget on the server, especially if Google bot is requesting the page.

  • mdellabitta 5 years ago

    It's good for accessibility...

Scarbutt 5 years ago

I would say is more relevant now, the time to build and complexities of SPAs has make many companies switch more to multipage SSR react with additional react JS for the browser, for SSR, SSR react is superior (because of components) to stuff like pugs IMO.

  • Can_Not 5 years ago

    You can use pug with SSR with VueJS (and/or NuxtJS).

k0t0n0 5 years ago

> There was a lot of talk about Isomorphic rendering of JavaScript, but seems to have died down recently.

It's no way near dead, just look at nuxtjs/nextjs/Gatsby. they are getting more popular day by day. Recently I worked on an E-commerce platform using next.js and Gatsby.

I have to say its really cool and good user experience overall. the only issue I had was the complexity of the code. You have to think about backend/frontend at the same time. I will definitely use it where it makes sense.

martin-adams 5 years ago

I believe a significant motivation of SSR was to be indexed by Google, then Google said they will start crawling JS rendered pages:


So maybe that took the wind out of the sails.

  • jypepin 5 years ago

    Beware tho, Google has still not officially said it was able to parse SPAs as well as server-side rendered pages and have still at multiple occasion (and still recently) said that although it can deal with JS, its not perfect and leads to issues. So if SEO is important I wouldn't skip SSR.

jotto 5 years ago

It's still relevant, just difficult. I think the herd jumped into SPAs before they understood the implications.

I was one who jumped in, then tried to automate my way out of client-side slow renders with https://www.roast.io/ (uses a headless browser to server-side render a JS app)

NicoJuicy 5 years ago

I can integrate js in a viewengine in asp.net MVC for reuse of HTML components ( yes, server side rendering based on the v8 js engine)

I also use razor though, but this is a neat workaround instead of using a headless browser.

The right mix of using scaffolders in. Net ( server side) and client side components can decrease development time exponentially

leowoo91 5 years ago

I'm still surprised how many people are not aware of client-side rendering being unstable, because they don't see the final result per visitor, but a prediction most of the time. Testing cross-browser is another story, though it can help a bit, is also usually omitted.

badsavage 5 years ago

Server-side rendered React with Clojure is my favorite way to deal with a website

torte 5 years ago

The talk died down because it became a standard way of doing things now. It isn't something special anymore and the tooling has evolved to make it more seamless.

andrei_says_ 5 years ago

It’s happy and well, being the main source of rendering in most of my live apps.

moltar 5 years ago

Nuxt is in full swing

aboutruby 5 years ago

Most people have realized it's actually complicated to do it right and just gave up on server-rendering their React apps (e.g. Reddit).

  • StellarTabi 5 years ago

    If we are using reddit as the standard for what's difficult to do right, then apparently everything is too difficult to do right. Case in point, their two mobile websites before react are both unusable garbage. I write SSR JS apps and React/SSR is _not_ the one to blame in reddit's scenario.

austincheney 5 years ago

1) What do you mean by server-side rendering of JavaScript? It sounds like you mean executing JavaScript on the server that otherwise is destined to execute on the client-side. I execute JavaScript on the server/terminal all the time and don't call it server-side rendering.

2) What is your motivation? What problem do you think you are solving with server-side rendering?

  • Scarbutt 5 years ago

    He's talking about web apps.

    • austincheney 5 years ago

      He/she is probably talking about single-page apps. But it isn't clear.

      • Scarbutt 5 years ago

        He/she is probably talking about single-page apps

        If you want to be pedantic about it, sure.

        • austincheney 5 years ago

          I am not being pedantic. You and the op are having difficulty with specificity. I was clear about that and somehow that means I should be called names and down voted for asking an appropriate question.

          If I wanted to trolled by framework children I would go back to reddit.