Gatsky 5 years ago

This is pretty cool. Enabled by the also very cool rayshader package in R (

  • ekianjo 5 years ago

    Rayshader is awesome but it is limited for rendering by the size of the screen. Waiting for an update where such a limitation can be done away with.

    • tylermw 5 years ago

      This stems from a limitation of rgl—if rgl ever gets around to supporting a virtual frame buffer (which has been in rgl’s TODO document for a while), rayshader would support that feature.

codetrotter 5 years ago

The LICENSE file in the repository root contains a copyright notice only.

No other file that I could see in the repository of those that I checked had any license terms either.

In other words, as it stands this is not open source under any useful definition.

Which is sad because it looks very cool.

  • tylermw 5 years ago

    The license information for R packages is specified in the DESCRIPTION file for a "standard" open source license--this project is licensed under MIT, as specified there. For the MIT license, you need an additional LICENSE file that just states the copyright holder and year, which is exactly what the author has provided.

    • codetrotter 5 years ago

      So it is. All good then :)

      Ideally though, for the sake of people looking at the GitHub repo, I think they ought to do the following:

      1. Rename LICENSE file to COPYRIGHT and change the line

        License: MIT + file LICENSE
      in the DESCRIPTION file to

        License: MIT + file COPYRIGHT
      2. Put a full copy of the MIT license with both copyright notice and MIT license text in a file named LICENSE. This allows GitHub to recognize the license and tag the repo accordingly. Additionally it allows people to see the license by looking at that file regardless of language instead of having to know language specific conventions.

      3. Optionally, delete the file unless it is useful elsewhere.

      Assuming of course that having the license text and not just copyright notice in LICENSE won’t interfere with R packaging tools once the DESCRIPTION file specifies to use file COPYRIGHT instead.

      • hadley 5 years ago

        I think that is good advice but it’s not a great fit for R packages due to the requirements that CRAN has for package submission. I’ve wrapped up my recommended practices in usethis::use_mit_license().

chestervonwinch 5 years ago

Cool! I had wanted to do something similar to make use of a stockpile of bottle caps that I was collecting. However, it went beyond the time I was willing to invest. There's some additional difficulties with bottle caps of course because of the shape and non-uniform color.

garyclarke27 5 years ago

Looks cool, just wondering (I don’t know R but plan to learn it soon) - Could this be a base, to build something like Minecraft in R?

  • Macuyiko 5 years ago

    Like, playable and all? Very unlikely. It's not going to be fast enough and R is not typically the language you'd use for games.

    But to e.g. import a Minecraft world and render it with the rayshader package? That might actually be a fun idea!

  • javierluraschi 5 years ago

    Got your back! I've been working on a JS voxels side project which I just made available for R:

    I still need to add support to add voxels from R and retrieve them, but should be straightforward, the hard part was putting together the rendering engine.

Traminer 5 years ago

Ok, but, why?

  • fleshfly 5 years ago

    i mean I could think of a few...intuitive 3d object creation (everyone understands the concept of lego), data based automation or creation of 3d visualizations, already lots of existing models that exist making it simple to mockup 3d structures, scenes, diagrams, or concepts for the artistically untrained. Basically Lego is a super intuitive way to create visualizations I'm surprised I haven't seen more of this type of stuff.