bgorman 5 years ago

This is a really useful write up, thanks for putting it together. Pairing fighweel main with the prepl seems like a very powerful combination. One feature I use a lot in fireplace.vim is "doc", hopefully you can add that feature in Conjure soon!

  • Olical 5 years ago

    Already there :) K will look up docs for the symbol under the cursor. Pretty sure fireplace has this though...

    Example of the doc output:

panzerklein 5 years ago

That Conjure thing definitely looks interesting. I wonder how it handles the repl - like fireplace or like slimv.

  • Olical 5 years ago

    Hi, I'm the author and that means a lot to read! It's been a labour of love going back and forth on rewrites and ideas for about six months so it'll mean the world to me if it ends up being something people enjoy using some day.

    The tool is, like all tools, designed around my preferences and opinions, it definitely won't align with everyone but I hope there's some good ideas in there.

    There's no traditional REPL, there's a log buffer that has results appended to it. You can edit that buffer (which happens to be a .cljc file) and evaluate anything in there like you would in any buffer.

    The log buffer appears, expands and hides when required. I've tried to keep it out of the way when you're not using it but persistent and accessible when you need it. I definitely want to experiment with Neovim's floating window API and the "virtual text" API too.

    • lenkite 5 years ago

      Can you please write a dev-workflow guide (maybe with some GIF's) when you have the time ? I am a clojure newbie and I can't quite figure out how to leverage this. I am using lein and vim-fireplace presently, but I always get the feeling that there is a better dev workflow.

      • Olical 5 years ago

        Yep, sure thing, good idea. I was going to do an asciinema video or something, I only got around to writing the README as it stands yesterday, it's the first time I'm showing it off really.

knubie 5 years ago

This tool looks really cool, but I've never heard of a prepl, what is it? How is it different from a repl?

  • Olical 5 years ago

    The p in prepl stands for programmable or programs, as in, for programs. If you open up a socket REPL you can connect to it and send code + receive results but they're printed without any structure. String goes in and string comes out.

    The prepl wraps all responses in a predictable EDN data structure tools can consume with ease. This is what Conjure is built on. The source and doc for the Clojure prepl is really informative:

    • knubie 5 years ago

      That sounds fantastic. Thanks for the info. Currently I'm using iced-vim, but I'll definitely have a look at Conjure when I have some time.