Show HN: Save 50% on Snowflake in 15 minutes

10 points by karamazov 16 days ago

I'm a former YC founder, and I've been working with some friends from Google to build Espresso AI, an ML-powered Snowflake optimizer. We use LLMs to analyze and predict your SQL workload and run your warehouses more efficiently. Our first few customers are seeing Snowflake savings from 30% to 70%. We're launching out of beta, and if your team uses Snowflake we'd like to help you cut down your bill.

You can set up Espresso in under 15 minutes with the instructions here:

Before turning anything on we'll send you a savings estimate based on your historical data. You can also get an estimate without setting up an account by following the instructions here:

You can reach me at if you have questions (or just leave a comment, I'm around).

CodeMaven 16 days ago

15 minutes is too long for those who want to quickly understand your product. Providing a demo video might be a good approach.

  • karamazov 16 days ago

    there's not a lot to demo - you just turn it on and your bill goes down. I'll try to think of something we can put up though, thanks for the note.

    For now I'm hoping 15 minutes is a reasonable investment to save $10k or $100k.

BooleanMaestro 16 days ago

Can it only be used with Snowflake?

  • karamazov 16 days ago

    Yes, for right now. We have waiting lists for Databricks, BigQuery, and Redshift; we're hoping to get there later this year.

    Shoot me an email if you're interested in one of those: