Is My Khan Academy Profile Resume-Worthy for a Web Developer and Game Developer?

2 points by LeaferStudios 12 days ago

I've released over 500 projects in there in the following languages: HTML, CSS, JS, Python, SQL, Processing.js, +dozens of other CSS and JS libraries

Also, would it be better if I exported all my projects into my personal website or is it fine the way it is?

Thanks a ton for your feedback! -LeaferStudios

meiraleal 11 days ago

No, it is not. You have 500 tutorial projects all worth nothing. Get out of khan academy, create your own portfolio and github profile.

  • LeaferStudios a day ago

    What do you mean by tutorial projects? All my projects are created from scratch (starting from a blank screen), often using vanilla JS and CSS. If you combine them it is close to 1 million lines of code. Each one has many comments from users who enjoyed it. Why would they not be resume worthy, if mostly all other developer portfolio's I see have only a few projects with a couple hundred lines?

    I will create my own portfolio and port these projects there. Plus, do you think almost 700 projects on GitHub would look good?