tom_vidal 12 days ago

I had an account at this bank for a few years, and didn’t know about the collapse until reading this in Hacker News. I did receive a weird email from the bank today that my account was being migrated to a different bank.

Republic First was kind of a crappy bank. The website was bad, the customer service was bad, and most of their marketing prominently featured their CEO with his dog sitting on his lap in front of a new branch they’d just opened up.

A few years ago the bank started making it difficult to withdraw money from your accounts. They had ridiculously low limits for free transfers, and I ended up having to pay wire transfer fees to get my money out of the bank.

It was a weird place. Always got the vibe that some old money family ran it poorly.

blackhawkC17 12 days ago

How funny that First Republic bank failed last year, and Republic First fails this year.

Maybe customers mistook the latter for the former and started pulling their deposits..

diebeforei485 11 days ago

This will continue as long s interest rates stay high.