
...joined 8 years ago, and has 25 karma

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Technology Evangelist, Expert in Sales and Business Development, Passionate about Innovative Start-Ups.

I am a serial entrepreneur, engineer, and maker through and through. Founded several businesses as well as being an advisor to several companies. Self-confessed gadget obsessed has single-handedly IoT-enabled his whole household and knows what power it can provide, and what parts are missing, and decided to start a company to make them.

Prior to working in the startup world, I started in Bioinformatics and Drug Design and Development, working as a cancer researcher. This brought me into sales and business development for one of the world's top Biotech firms (Biorad).

I also started a new IoT internet connected devices company, TimeChi, where they are making an internet connected productivity timer, to help you work faster, smarter and most of all, better!

[ my public key:; my proof: ]