
...joined 7 years ago, and has 811 karma

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I've been shadow banned. Apparently HNs "moderators" has detected my opinions are not sufficiently marxist. I know how this goes. I was once shadow banned here for relating how I had met Grace Hopper. Another time for merely linking to a PDF of a scientific paper in response to someone elses scientific claim. In both cases, no other posts for days before the ban.

850 points of karma proves I'm a good contributor here.... but one moderator disagrees with me and they take arbitrary action, without cause, without warning and without justification.

Don't ever pretend like you believe in the rule of law, you're criminals under your own rules!

Thinking is not tolerated here, clearly. I've done nothing wrong here, except make arguments. Haven't even gotten in a tiff with anyone. Clearly a moderator disagrees with some opinion of mine and we can't tolerate that, can we?

It was nice being on HN for awhile... but of course, the anti-intellectual snowflakes who run this site cannot abide actual critical thinking.

A shame, this could be a good site if discussions were allowed, instead it is a filter bubble of only one ideological viewpoint. You guys reject thinking and the concept of diversity while justifying your sexism, racism and general bigotry with the #diversity hash tag.

I am glad, though, to see that you guys have become such a laughing stock... I worried the rest of the country might not be smart enough to see thru it. You wonder why Trump? That's why. Your fault.

The thing is, you know you're hypocrites, but instead of learning or thinking you just make your wall 10 feet higher.

dang, you're a liar, and an anti-intellectual piece of shit.

And I know that you know it. KYS