
...joined 6 years ago, and has 1 karma

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We help people who work for themselves save time and money on things like insurance and taxes by providing simple, easy to use software, tools and services. The world’s largest work-for-yourself platforms like Uber, Etsy, Airbnb, Instacart, Postmates, Rover, TaskRabbit,, and others use Stride to help recruit, retain and motivate their communities of independent workers.

We're located in the heart of San Francisco's South Park district and we’re backed by leading investment firms including Venrock, New Enterprise Associates, and F-Prime Capital Partners.

Come help us take the work out of working for yourself!

At Stride we work hard, sweat the details, and enjoy life away from computer, too. We are a diverse group that celebrates and supports our differences. Our benefits include a competitive salary and equity package, health, dental, and vision plans, a kitchen stocked with healthy (and unhealthy) snacks, a stipend for wellness programs, commuter benefits, flexible vacation time, parental leave, a culture of learning and development, a dog-friendly office environment, and more!