
...joined 16 years ago, and has 2248 karma

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Website (one of many): https://timmorgan.dev Email: tim@timmorgan.org

I like Ruby. I'm building my own Ruby, called Natalie, for fun! Come join me: https://github.com/natalie-lang/natalie

I'm also an amateur radio operator (ham), amateur photographer (B&W film developed at home), and trying my hand at gardening (flowers, not food, yet). I guess you could say I don't really enjoy being the best at one thing -- I love being mediocre at a lot of things! XD

[ my public key: https://keybase.io/seven1m; my proof: https://keybase.io/seven1m/sigs/i3FMzZExnevVekN-zESisiU_oZ5JPlyIIoMP9eHgxzY ]