
...joined 14 years ago, and has 21721 karma

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[ my public key: https://keybase.io/weinzierl; my proof: https://keybase.io/weinzierl/sigs/ea55iQnueMAyL7bIYezFIRWBS-iBWa-zletn69uN8d8 ]

  My name is Ludwig Weinzierl and I'm an engineer and programmer. 
  I graduated from Munich University of Applied Sciences in 2001 
  with an engineer's degree in physics.

  I live in Munich with my wife and my daughter.

  You can read more from me on 


  or you can check out my projects on 


  I'm on HN Chat occasionally

HN Badges https://hnbadges.netlify.app/?user=weinzierl

E-Mail is first name at my domain.